Family reunification

Only the French consular authorities in the country in which the family submitted their visa application can give a positive or negative response to the request.

If you have obtained international protection in France, you can ask to bring to France:

  • Your spouse/partner/partner. He/she must be at least 18 years old, and the union or cohabitation must be prior to the date of submission of your application for protection;
  • your children aged under 19 at the time of submitting the visa application;
  • your children under the age of 18, and those of your spouse, from previous unions, whose filiation is only established with regard to you or that of your spouse, or whose other parent is deceased or deposed his parental rights;
  • your minor children aged under 18, and those of your spouse, who are entrusted, as the case may be, to you or your spouse, under the exercise of parental authority, by virtue of a decision of a foreign court.
  • If you are a minor and unmarried, your first-degree ascendants accompanied by your unmarried collaterals for whom they are effectively responsible.

Your family members concerned must apply directly for a visa to the French consular authorities in the country in which they reside. The procedures for obtaining an appointment for the visa application by country can be consulted on this page. For more information, you can consult the leaflets available in several languages. Click here for the english version.