Rights and obligations

Rights and obligations of asylum seekers (seekers of international protection)

As an applicant for international protection in France, you have the following rights and obligations:

  • You must respect French law.
  • You are required to cooperate fully with the authorities.
  • You have the right to receive information about your application and about your rights and duties in a language you understand.
  • You are entitled to basic assistance including accommodation, food, legal, medical and psychosocial assistance (see topics below).
  • You will have the right to work in France six months after submitting your application for international protection if the OFPRA has not yet taken a decision on your application.


Rights and obligations of refugees

If you obtain refugee status in France:

  • You must respect French law. If you commit criminal acts, you risk losing your refugee status.
  • You have the right to stay in France for a period of ten years. After ten years, you will be entitled to permanent residence.
  • You are entitled to a travel document valid for all countries except that of your nationality or habitual residence.
  • You are authorized to travel abroad with the travel document provided to recognized refugees but you are not authorized to return to your country of origin, except in certain cases of imperative necessity. To do this, you must request a sauf-conduit from the prefecture of your place of residence. You will find more information here.
  • You are entitled to the same social security benefits as French nationals.
  • You have the right to work in France.
  • You have the right to family reunification.
  • You have the possibility of obtaining French nationality through naturalization.

Rights and obligations of beneficiaries of subsidiary protection

If you benefit from subsidiary protection in France:

  • You must respect French law. If you commit criminal acts, you risk losing your protection status.
  • You will receive a residence permit valid for four years, renewable.
  • You are entitled to a travel document valid for all countries, except that of your nationality or habitual residence.
  • You have the right to work in France.
  • You are entitled to the same social security benefits as French nationals.
  • You have the right to family reunification.
  • You have the possibility of obtaining French nationality through naturalization.