
UNHCR France - Help for refugees and asylum-seekers

Informations for people coming from Ukraine

UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency, has created this website for people of concern (refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons) in France, their family members and those assisting them. On this site you will find useful information and links, including answers to the following questions:

➡️ How to apply for international protection in France ? (Request asylum in France)

➡️ What are my rights and obligations as an asylum seeker during the asylum procedure and after recognition of my refugee status ? (Rights and obligations of asylum seekers – Rights and obligations after recognition of status)

➡️ What is resettlement ?

➡️ How can I apply for family reunification in France, or how can I bring close family members from other EU countries or from third countries ?

➡️ How do I apply for stateless person status ? (Request stateless person status)

➡️ What is UNHCR’s role in France ? (About UNHCR in France)

➡️ Who do I contact to report exploitation and abuse ? (Report a case of exploitation and abuse)

Please note that the information presented on this page only applies to people who are currently in France. If you are looking for information or assistance for relatives or friends who are not in France, please consult the relevant country’s help page on the UNHCR help homepage.

This page, including its various sections, will be regularly updated.