If you are a survivor of trafficking, or you have a suspicion that someone else is, you should contact the Swedish Police on the emergency phone (dialing 📞 112). Every contact with the police will be treated in strict confidence.
Many people will want to help you on your journey, and after you arrive in Sweden. However, not everyone may be who they say they are; some people may wish to take advantage of your situation.
For example, they may promise you accommodation, transport, or free food, and use this to pressure you into sexual acts, work or other services you do not agree with. Or they may want to harm you or take your documents or other belongings.
Please have a look at UNHCR’s information video on “How to stay safe”:
The video is also available in Ukrainian and Russian.
For more information about reporting trafficking in human beings to the Police, please visit the website of the Swedish Police, available in Swedish.
If you are a refugee from Ukraine and want information about risks of trafficking in human beings in Sweden, please visit the website of the Swedish Gender Equality Agency, available in Ukrainian, Russian and English.