• Applying for documentation
• Financial support
• Housing and accommodation
• Healthcare
• Getting legal help
Applying for documentation
To apply for a personal ID document, address card or travel document, you have to visit a Government Office (“Kormányhivatal” in Hungarian). For more information please check the Government’s Hotline webpage. General information on the Government Offices is available here.
Financial support
When you have refugee or subsidiary protection status you have the same rights as Hungarian citizens and you are entitled to mainstream social benefits and assistance Hungarian citizens in similar situations have.
Name | Hungarian Name | Description | How to apply? |
Family Allowance | Családi Pótlék | A monthly allowance granted for each child from birth until they are 20 years old, still attending school/higher education, or 23 years old for children with special needs. This is a universal allowance, not dependent on financial situation. | At the Government Office with the application form. |
Regular Child Protection Benefit | Rendszeres Gyermekvédelmi Kedvezmény | In-kind and financial social support for families in need, including free school/school holiday meals and twice-yearly financial support. | At the notary’s office of the local municipality. |
Support for Mothers | Anyasági Támogatás | One-time financial support provided after each childbirth, irrespective of the recipient's financial situation. | At the Government Office with the application form. |
Infant Care Allowance / Childcare Allowance | Csecsemőgondozási díj (CSED) / Gyermekgondozási díj (GYED) | CSED is a monthly allowance and benefit provided for 168 days following the birth of the child, while GYED provided from the day after the end of the period of CSED until the child is 2 years old or, in the case of twins, until the child is 3 years old, both are based on specific preconditions, inter alia, the condition of participating in the social security system. | The application form must be submitted to the eligible parent’s employer, both during and after the termination of the employment. |
Childcare Assistance | Gyermekgondozást segítő ellátás / GYES | A monthly allowance provided for each child up to 3 years of age (twins until school) or up to 10 years of age for children with a long-term illness or severe disability. | At the Government Office by submitting this form. |
Child-raising Support | Gyermeknevelési támogatás / GYET | Monthly allowance provided for parents or guardians who raise three or more minor children. The financial support is paid from the age of three to the age of eight of the youngest child, provided that the beneficiary has three or more minor children in his/her household. | By submitting this form at the Government Office. |
Jobseeker Benefit | Álláskeresési Járadék | A monthly benefit for registered jobseekers for up to 90 days, subject to certain conditions. | In person at the National Employment Service office or online at the Service’s webpage by using your birthdate and TAJ number (Social Insurance Number). |
There are also some forms of non-financial (in-kind) social assistance (food, school meals, materials) that can be usually requested from the municipalities, where your permanent address is registered, such as exemption from paying for prescribed medication (free or cheaper medication), free or discounted institutional child meals and free holiday meals for children, and one-time in-kind child protection support (support for textbooks and educational materials, takeover of tuition fee etc.).
For more information on eligibility conditions and application procedures please turn to the town clerk’s office at the local municipality.
(Each and every service requires a different procedure, so it is best to refer the beneficiary to the local municipality.)
Housing and accommodation
As a refugee or a beneficiary of subsidiary protection, also as a tolerated status holder, you can spend up to 30 days in the reception facility at Balassagyarmat after receiving the status decision. After the 30 days expire, the immigration authority (National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing, called “OIF” in Hungarian) gives you a written statement indicating that you must leave the camp.
During these 30 days, among other tasks – such as obtaining necessary ID, health insurance and tax documents – you will need to find housing opportunities. Social workers of the centre should be of assistance in this.
The below organisations can possibly provide support or advice in finding accommodation/housing or shelter opportunities, however, it is not guaranteed that they will be able to assist in all cases.
Free health services in the first 6 months
During the first six months after you receive your refugee or subsidiary protection status, you are entitled to free basic health services. These services include medical screenings, examinations, and treatment, both general and specialised.
Typically, the social workers at the asylum facility where you are staying will arrange for a health insurance card (known as “TAJ kártya” in Hungarian) for you. However, it may not be ready before you leave the camp. Instead, you will receive an A4-sized document called “Hatósági Bizonyítvány” in Hungarian. This document will allow you to obtain the actual health card when you move to Budapest or other cities.
In case the social workers do not arrange for the health insurance card, you will need to take care of it yourself at your local Government's Office (where your permanent address is registered).
Health insurance after the first 6 months
After the initial six months have passed, you can obtain health insurance that covers all medical costs in a few ways:
- Through employment, where your employer will pay the required contribution for social insurance. Refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection are considered domestic residents under Hungarian law, which means you are obliged to apply for a social security card for yourself. In order to do so you need to visit the local Government Office, where you will have to submit the application form and attach your ID documents together with the certificate of your refugee status.
- Based on “being socially in need,” which means your monthly income does not exceed certain limits, as follows:
- For families: The monthly income per person should not exceed 34,200 HUF (approximately 94 EUR).
- For single individuals: The monthly income should not exceed 42,750 HUF (approximately 118 EUR).
- Additionally, you and your family should not possess significant assets.
For this you need to request the local Government Office to assess your eligibility and issue a certificate, which is valid for one year.
- By paying for insurance yourself on a monthly basis, that is 11,300 HUF (around 29 EUR) per month. To do so, you must have a continuously registered permanent address for at least one year and you will need to submit a declaration to the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV in Hungarian), which is available at this link. A list of NAC costumer services is available here.
Getting legal help
If you find yourself in need of free legal assistance in Hungary, there are several organisations who can provide help for various legal matters.
Hungarian Helsinki Committee
- Refugee / subsidiary protection status (asylum procedure),
- Protection for stateless persons,
- Naturalization (= how to get Hungarian citizenship),
- Family reunification procedure (= reuniting with direct family members, such as minor children, wife/husband, parents from the country of origin or other countries),
- Status review (= in case the authority decides to review your refugee / subsidiary protection status, or it is reviewed under mandatory periodic review),
- Ill-treatment, violence, abuse by authorities (like the immigration authority, police, security guards),
- Hate crimes (= when you are attacked physically or verbally because of your actual or perceived belonging to a social group, such as a religious, ethnic group or being a refugee, etc.).
Menedék Association
- Legal questions other than in relation to the asylum, immigration, or criminal procedure,
- Visa and residence permit
- Social rights (= right to social support, labour rights, right to education etc.).