+++ Please note: As of 1 February vaccination against COVID-19 is mandatory for all persons above 18 who are residing in Austria. There are exceptions for some groups, e.g. pregnant women or persons who cannot get vaccinated due to medical reasons. +++
Every person in Austria above 12 can get vaccinated for free, vaccination for children aged 5-12 is already available too. You can find more information about vaccination at the end of the page!
Vaccination protects well against severe sickness! More information about vaccinations can be found at the bottom of this page.
The lockdown for not vaccinated/not cured persons was lifted on 31 January 2022, please note that for several activities the 2G rule (access only for vaccinated/cures persons) applies. Please check carefully!
FFP-2 masks
In all public areas FFP-2 masks are again mandatory for all persons (e.g. in public transport, grocery stores, post office, etc.); you also need an FFP-2 mask for appointments at the BFA and at the court (BVwG). Please check carefully which rules apply.
Schools and Kindergarten
Schools and Kindergarten are open. Please note that only children who adhere to the COVID-19 test regime for schools/Kindergarten can attend. In several settings masks are mandatory in schoools.
Travelling to Austria
Individuals who travel to Austria generally need to provide proof of COVID-vaccination, recovery or a negative COVID-19 test upon arrival (so-called “3G-rule”).
For persons coming to Austria for work reasons on a daily basis, less strict testing rules might apply.
There are also exceptions e.g. for children, pregnant women etc.
Persons with a legal residence in Austria may also enter without 2G+ but will have to quarantine after arrival. When entering from so-called virus variant areas, even stricter rules might apply. Individuals with a third/„booster“ vaccine do not need to provide a negative PCR test upon entry.
Please note: When entering from so-called virus variant areas, even stricter rules apply. Please make sure to inform yourself thoroughly before travelling. Please check carefully for respective regulations, e.g. on the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs as well as of the Ministry for European and International Affairs (in German).
Info on vaccination
- Information provided by ÖIF in 17 languages: https://www.integrationsfonds.at/coronainfo/en/
- FAQ provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection in English, Arabic, Dari/Farsi, Russian: https://www.sozialministerium.at/Informationen-zum-Coronavirus/Coronavirus—Aktuelle-Informationen-in-Fremdsprachen-.html
- Information on the COVID-vaccination provided by the City of Vienna in German, English, Dari/Farsi, Arabic, Pashtu, Russian, Somali
Multilingual information:
- Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection: Startpage | Federal Ministry – Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (sozialministerium.at)
- NGO Zebra: https://zebra.or.at/aktuelles?detailId=79
- ÖIF – Austrian Integration Fund: https://www.integrationsfonds.at/coronainfo/
Further information and protective measures
https://www.roteskreuz.at/fileadmin/user_upload/Images/News/2020/Coronavirus_Plakat_arabisch_A4.pdf https://www.roteskreuz.at/fileadmin/user_upload/Images/News/2020/Coronavirus_
Plakat_Farsi_Dari.pdfhttps://www.roteskreuz.at/fileadmin/user_upload/Images/News/2020/Coronavirus_Plakat_somali.pdf https://www.roteskreuz.at/fileadmin/user_upload/Images/News/2020/Coronavirus_Plakat_englisch_A4.pdf
Multilingual information can be found on the website of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection:
Multilingual information of NGO Zebra:
Recent developments in Austria, FAQs and Videos in several languages
Multilingual Radio Orange 94.0 series on COVID-19 in German, English, Arabic, Farsi and Somali
Information material by IOM in 32 languages
Audio clips by IOM in 12 languages
Free app from uugot.it provides information on current developments in relation to the Corona virus in various languages and subtitles ORF reports on COVID-19
Information from the City of Vienna
City of Vienna: Information about Coronavirus in different languages
Videos for children (City of Vienna) with information about the corona virus and subtitles in several languages