Are you under 18 years old?

Are you under 18 and arriving from Ukraine? If you are, this information is for you! You will find official information about helpful services for children and young people who have had to leave Ukraine and are now in Switzerland or Liechtenstein. These services can support you in these challenging times.

I have just arrived in Switzerland, what should I do?

It is very important that you register your arrival with the Swiss authorities so that you can obtain all the help you need. You should go to the Federal Asylum Centre in Bern.

Swiss migration authorities (State Secretariat for Migration) can also be contacted via email at [email protected].

If you have arrived in Switzerland alone, make sure you inform the authorities and explain where your family is, if you know. If you had problems during your journey, please share this information.

I have just arrived in Liechtenstein, what should I do?

It is very important that you register your arrival with the Liechtenstein authorities so that you can obtain all the help you need. Go to the Migration and Passport Office (Ausländer- und Passamt), located at Städtle 38, 9490 Vaduz, during opening hours or to a police station.

Liechtenstein authorities can also be contacted via email at [email protected] or via phone at +423 236 61 41.

If you have arrived in Liechtenstein alone, make sure you inform the authorities and explain where your family is, if you know. If you had problems during your journey, please share this information as well.

If you don’t know where your family is, you can also contact the Swiss Red Cross Tracing Service. They have a hotline for the Ukraine situation (+41 58 400 43 80), or they can be contacted by email ([email protected]). If you are in Liechtenstein, you can contact the Liechtenstein Red Cross by email ([email protected]) or phone (+423 222 01 30).

If you need help, you can also contact the following organizations which have experience in helping young people. It is best to talk to your parents or a trusted adult first, but you can also contact the organizations on your own.

UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein can be contacted via email ([email protected]) or phone (+41 31 309 60 80).

Important tips

  • Take good care of your identity documents (such as ID card or passport) and show them only to the authorities or trusted organizations.
  • Always keep the contact details of your family or parents with you.
  • Help is free for everyone. Nobody is allowed to make you work or to ask for sexual or any other favours (things or money) in exchange for assistance or help.
  • Do not trust people you don’t know and who do not belong to a trusted organization who offer to take you away from your family to give you a place to stay, for work or school. Don’t accept these offers if you don’t feel comfortable.
  • No one has the right to treat you badly. If someone has hurt you or touched or treated you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or scared, or if you are afraid that someone will, tell an adult person that you trust or one of the organizations mentioned above. If someone you know has experienced someone hurting them, encourage them to get help. REMEMBER that this is not your fault, and you are not to blame. It is important that you receive the support you need. You don’t need to be ashamed or shy to ask for help.
  • It is normal to feel upset after having to leave your country and seeing or hearing about so many terrifying things. You may find it difficult to put things that you saw or experienced out of your mind. You may be separated from people you love and worried about them or worried about what will happen next. You may feel like nothing is familiar. Talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.