List of Help and Support Points by Location

This page lists help and support points run by our partner organizations in different locations in Poland. Select your city to find local humanitarian organizations. Service availability may vary, so please visit the official websites and contact the organizations directly for the latest information.

For a full list of Caritas Centers for Refugees and Migrants, visit You may also wish to check the Mapuj Pomoc page for a database of aid points in Poland:

BIALYSTOK and areas near the Polish-Belarusian border

1. Dialogue Foundation in Bialystok and on the Polish-Belarusian border

2. EGALA Association in Bialystok and on the Polish-Belarusian border

  • Services: essential humanitarian aid (water, food, dry clothing, hygiene products and first aid) at the Polish-Belarusian border, social and psychological support, basic information about the legal system in Poland and the possibilities of applying for international protection, legal and psychological care and material support in the Guarded Centre for Foreigners in Bialystok.

3. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Bialystok (Caritas Bialystok Archdiocese)

4. Children’s Help Center (of the KLANZA Association in Bialystok)

5. Crisis Intervention Point on the Polish-Belarusian border (supported by KIK – Klub Inteligencji Katolickiej).


1. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Bydgoszcz (Caritas Bydgoszcz Diocese)

  • Services: assistance in organizing everyday matters, such as contact with offices, renting an apartment, psychological support, career counseling, integration counseling, material and social assistance, translation assistance from Polish, Polish language classes, psychosocial activities, classes for children, education.


1. Immigrant Support Center in Gdansk (CWII)

  • Services: legal assistance, information on available services in the region, education counselling for parents/children, integration programs and career counselling, assistance in preparing documents, Polish language courses, psychological support, support to victims of violence and crime.

2. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Gdansk (Caritas Gdansk Archdiocese)

3. Biskupia 33 Foundation

  • Services: material assistance (food and non-food items), assistance in assistance in preparing documents and dealing with administrative matters, integration counseling, information on available services.



1. OVUM Community Center


1. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Kalisz (Caritas Kalisz Diocese)

  • Services: material assistance (food, hygiene items, medical supplies), accommodation assistance, childcare, assistance in organizing everyday matters, psychological support, career counseling, integration counseling, material and social assistance, translation assistance from Polish, Polish language classes, psychosocial activities, classes for children, education.


1. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Katowice

  • Services: information point, referrals for food assistance and meals, directing people from Ukraine to the Center for Social Integration and social projects for refugees, material assistance (hygiene items), integration activities, workshops for children, teenagers, adults and seniors, support in sworn translation of documents, co-financing/financing the purchase of medicines and small equipment/medical treatments; social worker support, psychological support, career counseling, integration counseling, material and social assistance, Polish language classes, psychosocial activities, education.


1. Open Place (Center for Intercultural Integration)

2. Information Point for Foreigners in Krakow

  • Services: information on procedures related to legalization of stay and work permit, information on services provided by the Krakow Municipality (regarding education, healthcare, culture, social assistance, registration, employment, assistance for the unemployed and disabled), support to people affected by discrimination and victims of violence, free legal assistance, psychological support, translation and cultural mediation.

3. Ukrainian Club in Krakow – Zustricz Foundation

4. LGBTQ+ Community Centre DOM EQ (Signs of Equality Federation)🏳️‍🌈.


1. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Lodz (Caritas Migrant and Refugee Assistance Center)

  • Services: material assistance (food, hygiene items, medical supplies), accommodation assistance, childcare, assistance in organizing everyday matters, psychological support, career counseling, integration counseling, material and social assistance, translation assistance from Polish, Polish language classes, psychosocial activities, classes for children, education.


1. Baobab Community Center in Lublin

2. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Lublin (Caritas Lublin Archdiocese)

  • Services: material assistance (food, hygiene items), assistance in organizing everyday matters, psychological support, career counseling, integration counseling, material and social assistance, translation assistance from Polish, Polish language classes, psychosocial activities, classes for children, education; the center houses a children’s shelter and hosts the Angel Fair, where clothes are distributed.

3. Sempre a Frente Foundation in Lublin

4. Volunteer Center in Lublin

5. Eleon Foundation in Lublin

6. For the Earth Association in Lublin

7. Foundation of Spiritual Culture of the Borderland


1. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Poznan (Caritas Poznan Archidiocese)

  • Services: material aid (food, hygiene items), psychological support, career counseling, integration counseling, material and social assistance, translation assistance (from Polish), Polish language classes, psychosocial activities, classes for children, education.

2. Child in the Center Foundation (Fundacja “Dziecko w Centrum”, Poznan).

3. Barka Foundation for Mutual Support in Poznan


1. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Przemysl (Caritas Przemysl Archdiocese)

2. Ukrainian House (People’s House) in Przemysl


1. Feniks International Integration Center

2. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Rzeszow (Caritas Rzeszow Archdiocese)

3. PSAR – Subcarpathian Association for Active Families (Podkarpackie Stowarzyszenie dla Aktywnych Rodzin, Rzeszow)

4. PRO-FIL Foundation (Fundacja na Rzecz Psychoprofilaktyki Spolecznej PRO-FIL, Rzeszow)


1. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Szczecin (Caritas Szczecin-Kamien Archdiocese)


1. Migrant Info Point Tczew:


1. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Warsaw

2. PMF Community Center (Polish Migration Forum)

3. Ukrainian House in Warsaw

4. Warsaw Multicultural Centre

5. Roma Community Centre in Warsaw

6. Ocalenie Help Center for Foreigners in Warsaw

7. LAMBDA Warsaw 🏳️‍🌈

8. Warsaw House Foundation 🏳️‍🌈

9. Inclusive.Buzz Association


1. Kalejdoskop Kultur in Wroclaw

2. Nomada Counselling Point

3. Information Point for Foreigners in Wroclaw (Institute Of Migrant Rights, Project of Foundation Ukraine)


1. Caritas Migrant and Refugee Center in Zamosc (Caritas Zamosc-Lubaczow Diocese)

2. Lapigua Foundation, Blonie – Refugee Crisis Support Point Centre

See also: