Family reunification for Ukrainian nationals

Family reunification as a beneficiary of temporary protection
Family reunification for persons with tolerated status
Family reunification for Ukrainian nationals with residence permit

Family reunification as a beneficiary of temporary protection

Eligibility for family reunification for family members who have not yet received temporary protection

If you are a family member of a Ukrainian national, recognized refugee or stateless person who enjoys temporary protection in Hungary, you do not need to apply for family reunification. You can independently travel to Hungary and join your family here.

The following persons are considered family members:

  • Spouse, including same-sex partners
  • Minor children, including adopted children
  • Other close relatives who lived together as part of the family unit before fleeing to Hungary, and who were wholly or mainly dependent on the person enjoying temporary protection.

Eligibility for family reunification if your family member has been granted temporary protection in another EU State

If your family member has been granted temporary protection in another EU State, you can choose whether you want to stay in Hungary or the other EU State where your family member enjoys temporary protection. If you want to live in the country where the other family members are, please contact the authorities of the target country and/or NGOs providing legal assistance there and ask them about your options.

Family reunification for persons with tolerated status

If you have tolerated status (“befogadott”) in Hungary, unfortunately you are not entitled to family reunification Hungary, unfortunately you are not entitled to family reunification process.

Family reunification for Ukrainian nationals with residence permit

If you are a Ukrainian national, and you live in Hungary with one of the following residence permit types:

  • Hungarian Card, EU Blue Card, Intra-corporate transferee, Researchers, Enterprise Card, National Card, Guest investor, Official purposes, Working Holiday Scheme, Secondment, Medical treatment, For National interest, Humanitarian
  • Immigration permit, permanent residence permit, interim permanent residence permit, national permanent residence permit or EC permanent residence permit (based on previous immigration law)
  • Temporary residence card, national residence card or EU residence card
  • Residence/permanent residence/long-term residence card granted for persons having the right of free movement
  • Or you are a Hungarian citizen

A residence permit may be issued to your family members for the purpose of family reunification.

The following persons are considered family members:

  • your spouse
  • your or your spouse’s minor children, including adopted children
  • your or your spouse’s dependent parent
  • your or your spouse’s sibling or direct relative if they are unable to care for themselves because of their health condition

If you hold one of the following residence permits you are not entitled to family reunification:

  • self-employed guest worker, in the first year of the permit
  • seasonal employment
  • for the purpose of carrying out an investment project
  • employment purposes
  • guest workers
  • White Card
  • study or training purposes
  • traineeship
  • volunteer activities.