Psychosocial support

The ?health emergency has forced us to change our habits. Having lost a job, being away from the family, having family members who have tested positive for COVID-19, among other situations can generate stress, anxiety, concern, and sadness.

To try to avoid such negative feelings, you can:

  • ?️ Discuss your feelings with a trusted person.
  • ??‍♀️??‍♂️ Do activities that help you relax, such as reading or listening to music.
  • ?️ Check the news once or up to twice a day, to avoid exposing yourself to negative information.
  • ?Try to establish a daily routine.
  • ??Sleep eight hours ?and eat healthy.

If your feelings get worse and you need professional support, you can contact HIAS, Aldeas infantiles SOS, or the Comité Permanente por la Defensa de los DDHH (Standing Committee for the Defence of Human Rights) – CDH and ask for psychosocial assistance.