Health care

A map of Ukrainian community services in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania, the map can be filtered by aid status, language spoken, source, medical field, education, type of legal service provided, and other options.
🌐 Umapa – Ukrainian Community Map

A map of psychosocial assistance to Ukrainians in the Czech Republic, the map can be filtered by service provider, language spoken, region, intended population, and type of job.
Мапа психосоціальної допомоги громадянам України | ( 
Mapa psychosociální pomoci pro ukrajinské obyvatele | ( 

is a non-state medical facility providing care in gynecology, obstetrics and urogynecology. Specialists in the fields of sexology, psychology, psychiatry and urology work in this center. 

It is a state medical facility that specializes in providing health services in gynecology, obstetrics, neonatology and in a number of complementary fields that are closely related to the care of women and children.

Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ČR/Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
🌐 Pomoc pro Ukrajinu / Допомога для України – Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ( 

Agency for Migration and Adaptation (AMIGA)
AMIGA is a volunteer center established as an initiative of foreigners living in the Czech Republic. AMIGA provides mental health and psycho-social support to migrants and refugees in a difficult emotional situation. It also supports integration of refugees and migrants into Czech society through involvement in volunteering.

Národní ústav duševního zdraví/National Institute of Mental Health (NUDZ)
NUDZ is semi-governmental body providing care and help in neurology, clinical psychology, physiotherapy and occupational therapy and it has also a single-specialty psychiatric hospital. Moreover 14 Ukrainian psychologists can assist in Ukrainian language care and mental health issues.

Asociace Trigon
Trigeon is a non-profit organisation providing social, psychiatric, work rehabilitation and education to people with mental challenges.

Aliance center duševního zdraví/Alliance of Mental Health Centerss (ACDZ)
Alliance of Mental Health Centres provides health and social support and care to people with serious mental health issues, people in need of early intervention as well as people in crisis situations.

Community Mental Health Centres
Build into a map of community mental health centers, mental health centers for children and adolescents, multidisciplinary teams for seniors, addiction multidisciplinary teams, psychiatric outpatient clinics, forensic multidisciplinary teams and ambulances with extended care for addictions.
🌐 Budoucnost psychiatrických služeb – Centra duševního zdraví a multidisciplinární týmy – Nevypusť duši (

Directory of psychological help of Ministry of the Interior
A list of helplines available for people experiencing stress related to the war in Ukraine.
🌐 Adresář psychologické pomoci v ČR – válka na Ukrajině – Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky (