Reporting Fraud, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Protecting the integrity of UNHCR’s programmes in the Czech Republic is a priority for us. UNHCR provides a trusted, respectful and inclusive environment where people should feel safe. One of the ways you can help us achieve this is by reporting suspected misconduct in a timely manner.

Please note that all humanitarian assistance is free!

➡️ What is fraud?

Fraud is any act with the objective of intentionally misleading another in order to obtain a benefit.

All UNHCR and UNHCR partners’ services are free of charge. Do not trust anyone or any organization asking you to pay for the services of UNHCR or its partners. If money or any other form of favors, including of a sexual nature, is requested from you, in exchange of UNHCR services please report it to UNHCR and/or the nearest police station immediately.

Report fraudsters who are offering you resettlement, financial or other kinds of assistance, fake documents or fake claims in exchange for money or other favors. These offers may be made to you in person or via social media, including Facebook, YouTube, or WhatsApp.

People who tell you such lies are seeking to take advantage of your situation and/or your money. Avoid them at all costs. They may show you information to persuade you that they are connected to UNHCR. Do not believe them. Be alert and don’t get defrauded.

➡️ What are sexual exploitation and abuse?

It is any actual or attempted abuse of any position of vulnerability, for sexual purposes.

Sexual exploitation and abuse can happen to anyone—men, women, boys, and girls—at any age, with or without a disability, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity and in any circumstance.

Sexual exploitation and abuse are unacceptable behaviours and prohibited for all United Nations and NGO partners’ staff members, regardless of their position. Your report will be treated with discretion and be kept strictly confidential (your name and personal information will not be shared with anyone or any organization without your consent).


Anyone working in a humanitarian operation is prohibited from:

  • Asking for any kind of favors, including sexual favors, in exchange for services or assistance
  • Engaging in sexual relationships with people they aim to assist
  • All sexual activity with children (anyone under 18 years old)

This includes UN staff, government staff, civil society partners, and Non-Governmental Organisations.

➡️ What to do if you have a concern, witness or experience any inappropriate behaviour by humanitarian workers

  • You can report to any humanitarian organization you feel safe to do so
  • You can safely report to any UNHCR personnel in your location or email UNHCR’s Inspector: 📧 [email protected]
  • Submit a complaint online
  • Post/letter to the following address: UNHCR, 94, rue de Montbrillant, Case Postale 2500, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
  • You can send a message in the language you feel most comfortable using to 📧 [email protected]. This is a confidential mailbox with restricted access, and we will be in touch with you.

Important to know:

  • UNHCR takes all complaints seriously and follows up on each individually.
  • Filing a complaint will not in any way impact your case or your access to humanitarian assistance.
  • Complaints may be done anonymously.
  • In your complaint, please provide facts and evidence known to you.
  • All communication with UNHCR is kept strictly confidential.
  • If you have been a victim of sexual exploitation and abuse you have the right to access safety, protection, psychosocial, medical and legal support, and any other relevant service.


In your report, you should include:

  • What happened?
    • Describe in detail what you know about the incident or incidents.
  • Who committed the alleged wrongdoing?
    • Do you know if anyone else was involved? Please provide full names, job titles and organization, if possible.
  • When and where did the incident or incidents occur?
    • Please include dates and times, if possible.


UNHCR can provide further support. Click HERE for more information.