Community events

Agency for Migration and Adaptation (AMIGA)
AMIGA is a volunteer center established as an initiative of foreigners living in the Czech Republic. AMIGA provides mental health and psycho-social support to migrants and refugees in a difficult emotional situation. It also supports integration of refugees and migrants into Czech society through involvement in volunteering.

InBaze provides legal, social, and psychological counselling and individual assistance through community activities, Czech language courses or leisure time activities for children and youth. In addition to targeted assistance to migrants and refugees, it creates an open and safe space for people of different cultures to get to know each other. InBaze can also help with interpretation and translation and accompany you for the meetings with the state administration officers or when seeking the medical care. 

Multikulturní centrum Praha/Multicultural Center Prague (MKC)
MKC provides a wide range of educational, cultural, and informational activities connected with interpersonal coexistence. It also conducts research activities in the field of integration and prevention of segregation. MKC focuses on training the teachers and capacity building. It organizes activities bringing together host society and refugee communities.

Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům/Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU)
OPU provides social, psychological, and legal counselling to asylum-seekers. It operates field programs and a halfway house for young people and helps unaccompanied minors as well as stateless persons. OPU also coordinates UNHCR volunteer programme iVolunteer matching refugees with local volunteers. OPU has offices in Prague, Brno, Pilsen, Hradec Kralove and Ostrava.

Romodrom focuses on helping mostly people of Roma ethnicity, including Roma refugees who seek a solution in their uneasy life situations and strengthening their personal competencies. Romodrom provides social services through field programs, social rehabilitation, and activation services for families with children, and professional social counselling, incl. debt counselling, employment support, housing, childcare, or education. The support is provided across the Czech Republic.

Slovo 21
Slovo 21 supports the integration of refugees and migrants from third countries into the Czech society. It also supports peaceful coexistence through various cultural events, provides information and educates public administration employees. Special tailored programmes focus on Roma populations and their inclusion into the Czech society.