COVID-19 / Coronavirus


? In Cyprus everyone can get a Covid-19 vaccination, including refugees and asylum-seekers. ? If you are a GeSY Beneficiary you can contact your personal doctor and register for your vaccine online, or visit one of the walk-in centres listed below. ? If you do not have access to GeSY you can get vaccinated at any of the walk-in vaccination centres operating around the island starting Friday August 6th, 2021, and will be available every Friday from 08:00-14:00, the Ministry of Health of Cyprus has announced. The walk-in centres operate on a first-come, first-served basis.
Walk-in vaccination centres:
Nicosia: State Exhibition D, E, F
Limassol: Spyros Kyprianou A, B, C
Larnaca: Port D
The above centres will replace the ones current walk-in centres.
In Pafos and Famagusta, persons not registered on GeSY will be able to get vaccinated in the walk-in centres already operating for persons on GeSY at the General Hospitals of the two cities, on a daily basis (Monday to Friday).
Pafos: Pafos General Hospital
Ammochostos: Ammochostos General Hospital
Persons who are not registered on GESY must present the following: Identification document (identity card, passport, etc.), Alien Registration Card or proof of relevant registration application, and this form, which should be fully completed: 
Minors (12-17 years old) who are not on GeSY will also have the opportunity to be vaccinated in these centres , provided that they have submitted all the necessary documents and followed the existing procedure for the vaccination of minor citizens. 

Vaccination against COVID-19 – Answers to frequently asked questions

Republic of Cyprus – Official Decrees, Guidelines and Information


The Government of the Republic of Cyprus has begun the rollout of the National COVID-19 Vaccination Plan. Priority is given to residents by age. The PIO makes weekly announcements on the next age group that is eligible for vaccination and for whom appointments become available via the COVID-19 Vaccinations Portal available through the General Health System (GeSY) website. Refugees and subsidiary protection beneficiaries have access to the General Health System and are therefore included in the National Vaccination Plan under the same conditions as Cypriot and EU citizens. They may arrange an appointment for vaccination via the COVID-19 Vaccinations Portal when they become eligible by age category.

Refugees and asylum-seekers resident at reception centres (Kofinou and Pournara) are included in the National Vaccination Plan. Asylum-seekers living outside the centres are not GeSY beneficiaries but can get vaccinated at any of the walk-in vaccination centres operating around the island starting Friday August 6th, 2021, the Ministry of Health of Cyprus has announced. You must have your personal identification documents with you. ?

See the official page of the Press and Information Office of the Republic of Cyprus for updates.

Cyprus National Vaccination Plan (Asylum-seekers residing in reception centres are included in the National Vaccination Plan – see slide 11)

General Measures, Lockdowns

Further Measures to combat COVID-19 valid from 12 November to 30 November 2020

Important Announcement: Additional Measures to combat rise in COVID-19 cases – valid from 23/10/2020 until 09/11/2020. Due to the rapid increase of the COVID-19 cases in Cyprus in the last 2 weeks, new measures were announced today, 22/10/2020, by the government.

Specifically, the following measures are valid for ALL REGIONS:
-Masks are mandatory for everyone over 12 years old in all public spaces.
-Maximum of 10 people gatherings in houses and public spaces
-Maximum of 6 persons per table in restaurants and dining spaces.
-Maximum of 75 people indoors and 150 people outdoors in restaurants. The distance of 3m² for indoor spaces and 2m² for outdoor spaces still applied regardless of the size of the space.
-Sports events are allowed without spectators
-Cinemas, theaters etc. continuing operations with 50% capacity
-Cocktail parties and receptions at weddings and christenings are not allowed. Only dinners with maximum 350 people attending.
-Retail shops and Pharmacies to operate between 8am to 9am only for the elderly and people with disabilities.

Specifically, for PAPHOS and LIMASSOL districts, the following additional measures apply:
-Restaurants, snack bars, bars etc. will close at 10.30pm.
-Restriction of movement from 11pm to 5am, excluding movements for urgent medical reasons (to/from pharmacies, hospitals) or work holding the relevant work certificate.
-Postponement of all sport and social activities for children under 18 years old (football, dance, swimming, etc.)
-Postponement of all sport events and team championships for children under 18 years old, whose base is in Paphos or Limassol.

Gradual easing of lockdown measures PHASE 2: 21/05/2020

Gradual lift of lockdown measures 04/05/2020

Coronavirus: We break the chain

Covid-19: Lockdown in Cyprus as of 6 pm, Tuesday 24 March until 13 April 2020 (summary of President’s statement)
Guidelines for Confirmation of Movement (English/Greek/Russian)

Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance

Gradual lifting of measures – 04/05/2020

All support schemes for employees and companies (child care scheme, special sickness allowance, self-employed scheme, partial or full suspension of works) will be extended until 12.5.2020

Simple Guidelines for the Protection of workers on construction sites from COVID-19

Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance (MLWSI) Support Program for Coping with the effects of COVID-19

Coronavirus: Find out if you are a vulnerable person. You might need to work from home or apply for Special Sickness Benefit

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Support measures for employees and employers due to Covid-19 outbreak

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Special Plan for Partial Suspension of Business Works and provision of the Special Unemployment Allowance: Valid from 16/3/2020 to 12/4/2020

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Special Plan regarding the Complete Suspension of Business Operations and the provision of the Special Unemployment Allowance to employees

ANNOUNCEMENT 17/03/2020: New registrations of unemployed persons and termination of registrations by email / fax


World Health Organisation (WHO)


Tallaalada dadka aan ku jirin GESY – Cusboonaysiinta Ogosto Tallaalada dadka aan diiwaan gashanayn ama aan ahayn ka-faa’iideystayaasha GESY waxay bilaaban doonaan Jimcaha, 6-da Agoosto, waxaana la heli doonaa Jimce kasta 8: 00-14: 00, meelaha soo socda: Magaalada – Xarunta Tallaalka -Socodka: .Nicosia – state exhibition D, E, F Limassol – Spyros Kyprianou A, B, C. .Larnaca – Port D. Xarumaha kor ku xusan waxay beddeli doonaan kuwa maanta shaqeeya sida xarumaha dhexdooda waxayna dabooli doonaan baahiyaha labada qof gudaha oo aan ku jirin GESY. Paphos iyo Famagusta, dadka aan ka diiwaangashanayn GESY waxay awoodi doonaan inay ku tallaalaan xarumaha socod-soo-galayaasha ee hore ugu hawlgala dadka ku jira GESY ee Isbitaallada Guud ee labada magaalo, maalin walba (Isniin ilaa Jimce). Pafos – Isbitaalka Guud ee Pafos .Ammochostos: Isbitaalka Guud ee Ammochostos Dadka aan ka diiwaan gashanayn GESY waa inay soo bandhigaan waxyaabaha soo socda: . Dukumentiga aqoonsiga (kaarka aqoonsiga, baasaboor, iwm.), . Kaarka Diiwaangelinta Allienka ama caddaynta codsiga diiwaangelinta ee khuseeya (kiisaska ku lug leh shisheeye), iyo . Foomka codsiga dadka aan ka diiwaan gashanayn GESY. Foomka waa in la buuxiyaa. Codsiga waxaa laga heli karaa Carruurta aan qaangaarin (12-17 sano jir) ee aan ku jirin GESY waxay sidoo kale fursad u heli doonaan in lagu tallaalo xarumahan, waa haddii ay weliba soo gudbiyeen dhammaan dukumiintiyadii lagama maarmaanka ahaa oo ay raaceen nidaamka hadda jira ee tallaalka muwaaddiniinta yaryar. Xarumaha Socodku waxay ku shaqeeyaan feedh ugu horreeya oo loo adeego.

Tallaalka ka hortagga COVID-19 – Jawaabaha su’aalaha badanaa la isweydiiyo

Dowladda Jamhuuriyadda cyprus waxay bilowday soo saarista Qorshaha Tallaalka Qaranka ee COVID-19.  Mudnaanta waxaa la siiyaa dadka degan da’da.  PIO waxay sameysaa ogeysiisyo todobaadle ah oo ku saabsan kooxda da ‘xigta ee uqalma talaalka iyo kuwa ballanta laga helayo Bogga Talaalka COVID-19 ee laga heli karo bogga Nidaamka Caafimaadka Guud (GeSY).  Qaxootiga iyo ka-faa’iideystayaasha badbaadinta hoosaad waxay marin u leeyihiin Nidaamka Caafimaadka Guud sidaa darteedna waxaa lagu daray Qorshaha Tallaalka Qaranka iyada oo loo marayo isla xaaladaha ay leeyihiin muwaadiniinta cypriot_ka iyo muwadinti EU.  Waxay ku qabanqaabin karaan ballan tallaal iyagoo u maraya bogga talaallada  COVID-19   markay u qalmaan da ‘ahaan.

Qaxootiga iyo magangalyo-doonka degan xeryaha qaabilaada (Kofinou iyo Pournara) ayaa lagu daray Qorshaha Talaalka Qaranka:  Magangelyo-doonka ku degen bannaanka xarumaha waa inay iska diiwaangeliyaan tallaalka, marka loo eego kooxdooda da ‘ahaan, iyagoo dhammaystiraya una diraya foomkan Wasaaradda Caafimaadka oo ay la socdaan koobiga ALIENKA diwaangelinta kaarka  ama dukumenti kale oo aqoonsi ah, iyo sidoo kale koobi ka mid ah  kaarkooda caafimaad:

Dukumiinti loogu talagalay Diiwaangelinta Muwaadiniinta aan ahayn GHS ka-faa’iideystayaasha ,  bogga cyprus ee loogu talagalay tallaallada COVID-19 Foomka waa in lagu buuxiyaa Ingiriis ama Giriig ah.  Waxaan kuu sinaynaa turjumida noocyada  tixraacaada iyo inaan kaa caawinno dhameystirka macluumaadka.  Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah.

Tallaabooyin dheeri ah oo lagula dagaallamayo COVID-19 oo socon doona laga bilaabo 12 Noofambar ilaa 30 Noofambar 2020

Ogeysiis Muhiim ah: Tallaabooyin dheeri ah oo lagula dagaallamayo kororka kiisaska COVID-19 – oo ansax ah laga bilaabo 23/10/2020 illaa 09/11/2020.​ Sababtoo ah kororka degdegga ah ee kiisaska COVID-19 ee cyprus 2 labadi isbuuc ee la soo dhaafay, tallaabooyin cusub ayaa lagu dhawaaqay maanta, 22/10/2020, dowladda.

Gaar ahaan, tallaabooyinka soo socda ayaa ansax u ah dhammaan gobollada:
Maaskarada waa qasab qof kasta oo ka weyn 12 sano jir dhammaan meelaha dadwaynaha
Ugu badnaan 10 qof ayaa isugu yimaada guryaha iyo meelaha dadweynaha
ugu badnaan 6 qof miiskiiba makhaayadaha iyo meelaha laga cunteeyo.
ugu badnaan 75 qof gudaha iyo 150 qof dibedda makhaayadaha. Masaafada 3m² ee bannaanka gudihiisa iyo 2m² ee bannaanka bannaanka ayaa wali la dabaqayaa iyadoo aan loo eegin cabbirka booska.
Dhacdooyinka isboortiga waa loo ogol yahay daawadayaal la’aan
Shineemooyinka, tiyaatarada IWM howlaha sii socda oo leh 50% awood
Xafladaha is biirsaday iyo soo dhaweynta xafladaha aroosyada iyo kirismaska ​​lama ogola. Kaliya cashada oo ay xaadiraan ugu badnaan 350 qof.
Dukaamada tafaariiqda iyo Farmashiyadu inay shaqeeyaan inta u dhexeysa 8 subaxnimo ilaa 9-ka subaxnimo oo keliya dadka waayeelka ah iyo dadka naafada ah.
Gaar ahaan, loogu talagalay PAPHOS iyo aagga LIMASSOL, tallaabooyinka dheriga ah ee soo socda ayaa lagu dabaqayaa:

Makhaayadaha, baararka fudud, baararka iwm ayaa xirmi doona 10.30pm.
Xaddidaadda dhaqdhaqaaqa laga bilaabo 11pm ilaa 5ta am, marka laga reebo dhaqdhaqaaqyada sababo caafimaad oo deg deg ah (ku/ ka imanaya farmasiyada, isbitaalada) ama shaqada haysata shahaadada shaqada ee khuseysa.
Dib u dhigista dhammaan isboortiga iyo nashaadaadka bulshada ee carruurta ka yar 18 sano (kubbadda cagta, qoob ka ciyaarka, dabaasha, iwm.)
Dib u dhigista dhammaan dhacdooyinka isboorti iyo horyaalada kooxeed ee carruurta ka yar 18 sano jir, oo saldhigoodu yahay Paphos ama Limassol.

Talaabooyinka fududeynta ka bixida xayiraada – Wajiga Labaad: 21/05/2020

Talaabooyinka tartiib tariib uga bixida xayiraada 04/05/2020
Caabuqa Covid-19 owgiis waxaa bandow lagu soo rogay guud ahaan dalka Cyprus laga bilaabo 6 Fiidnimo Talaadada kuna beegan 24 bisha Maarso ilaa 13 Abriil 2020
Tilmaamaha loogu talagalay Muwaadiniinta
Ujeedada socdaalka

Warqada Tixraac, waxaad isticmaali kartaa oo kaliya looqadaha rasmiga ah Greek ama English

Si aan u jabino silsilada faafida Corona Virus. Joog Guriga

Si aan u jabino silsilada faafida Corona Virus

Taleefonada tooska ah ee dawladda laga xariiri karo xaaladaha ‘coronavirus’

Wasaaradda shaqada

Gradual lifting of measures – 04/05/2020

Dhammaan qorshooyinka taageerada ee loogu talagalay shaqaalaha iyo shirkadaha (qorshaha xanaanada carruurta, gunada jirada gaarka ah, qorshaha iskiis u shaqeysiga, qeyb ama gabi ahaanba shaqada laga joojiyo) waa la kordhin doonaa ilaa 12.5.2020

Coronavirus: Soo ogow haddii aad tahay qof nugul. Waxaa laga yaabaa inaad u baahatid inaad ka shaqeysid guriga ama aad codsatid Gargaarka Jirrada ee Gaarka ah

OGEYSIIS MUHIIM AH: Tallaabooyin taageero loogu talagalay shaqaalaha iyo loo shaqeeyaha sababtuna tahay Covid-19 dillaacay

OGEYSIIS MUHIIM AH: Qorshaha gaarka ah ee joojinta qeyb ka mid ah howlaha Ganacsiga iyo Bixinta Gunnada Shaqo La’aanta Gaarka ah. Wuxuu shaqeynayaa laga bilaabo 16/3/2020 illaa 12/4/2020

OGEYSIIS MUHIIM AH: Qorshe gaar ah oo ku saabsan joojinta dhameystiran ee howlgalada ganacsiga iyo bixinta gunnooyinka shaqo la’aanta gaarka ah ee shaqaalaha

OGEYSIIS 17/03/2020: Xafiiska shaqada waxa uu bulshada war galinayaa laga bilabo17/3/2020 ilaa iyo ogaysiis danbe. Is diiwaan galinta cusub ee qofka aan shaqeyn iyo qofka shaqada joojiyayba ey dhici doonto asiga oo looga baahan in uu qofka xadir ku noqdo xafiisyada shaqada ee Dagmada ama Deeganka. Hasa ahaate codsadaha wa in uu ku so gudbiyaa codsigiisa is diwaan galinta cusub ama shaqa joojinta, fakis ama email.

OGEYSIIS 12/03/2020

COVID-19 Information in other languages



Georgian: Symptoms and measures // We Break the Chain // Guidelines for movement (SMS)



Persian: Symptoms and measures // We Break the Chain // Guidelines for movement (SMS) // Gradual Easing of Lockdown – Phase 2 (21/05/2020)



