Zero tolerance policy

All UNHCR services are FREE of charge!

UNHCR and its partners provide a trusted, respectful and inclusive environment where people should feel safe and we enforce a Zero Tolerance Policy for fraud, corruption, sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.

UNHCR never charges money or asks for favors in exchange for its services. If you have any concerns or suspicions about possible misconduct by a UNHCR staff or staff of UNHCR partners or contractors regardless of that person’s position, please report it immediately using the channels listed below:

What is Misconduct?

All UN staff members and UNHCR’s partners are bound to a code of conduct that prohibits misconduct.

Misconduct can include:

  • Sexual exploitation and abuse against people of concern to UNHCR;
  • Fraud (e.g. falsifying a document);
  • Corruption (e.g. taking money from refugees or others);
  • Theft and embezzlement (e.g. stealing equipment or money);
  • Harassment, including sexual harassment;
  • Assault, threats or retaliation;
  • Non-compliance with local laws.

If money or any other form of favors, including of a sexual nature, is requested from you in exchange for access to services, you should report it immediately.

See below how to report it! ⬇️

UNHCR takes fraud and misconduct concerns very seriously and reports will be treated with confidentiality.

What is sexual exploitation and abuse?

Sexual exploitation and abuse is any actual or attempted abuse of any position of vulnerability, for sexual purposes. Sexual exploitation and abuse are unacceptable behaviours that are forbidden for any humanitarian worker including United Nations staff and NGO Partners. 


Sexual exploitation and abuse can happen to anyone—men, women, boys, and girls—at any age, with or without a disability, and in any circumstance. 

  • Humanitarian workers are not allowed to have sexual activities with anyone in exchange for money, employment, preferential treatment, goods or services, 
  • Humanitarian workers are never allowed to have sexual activity with anyone under the age of 18 years old. 

These rules also apply to community members who volunteer in their community with the support of UNHCR or NGO partners, for example, Outreach Volunteers. 

I was asked for money or to make favors in exchange of UNHCR services. What should I do?

All UNHCR services are free of charge.

Do not trust anyone or any organization asking you to pay for the services of UNHCR or its partners.

If money or any other form of favors, including of a sexual nature, is requested from you, in exchange for UNHCR services please report it to UNHCR and/or the nearest police station immediately.

See below how to report it! ⬇️

Does UNHCR charge money for documentation, assistance, or services?

UNHCR does not charge for any of its services.

If someone offers you resettlement, financial assistance, fake documents, or makes false claims in exchange for money or favors, do not trust them. These include offers that may come in person, through the phone or social media, like Facebook, WhatsApp, or YouTube.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Avoid Scammers: People making these offers are trying to take advantage of you. They may show fake information to appear connected to UNHCR, but their goal is to take your money or exploit you.
  • Report Immediately: If you are approached by anyone making these claims, report it to UNHCR or local authorities.

Use the channels listed below to report them! ⬇️

Stay safe and protect yourself from exploitation.

How can I report Fraud or Misconduct?

If you have information about UNHCR staff, or staff of UNHCR partners or contractors, being involved in exploitation (including sexual exploitation) or sexual abuse, you can report it:

You can also report it directly to the Inspector General’s Office (IGO) at UNHCR Headquarters:

  • By confidential email: 📧 [email protected]
  • By using the 💻online complaint form
  • By post: 94, rue de Montbrillant, Case postale 2500, 1211 GenevaCase Postale 2500, CH-1211 Geneva 2 Depot Switzerland

For more information, you can visit UNHCR – Reporting sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA).

Mark all mail as CONFIDENTIAL.

Your report will be treated with discretion and kept strictly confidential. For further information, please see the Inspector General Office page.

Complaints, Suggestions, and Feedback

UNHCR and its partners have clear channels for you to share complaints, feedback, or suggestions. These include:

  • Complaint Boxes: Available at community centers and UNHCR offices.
  • Hotlines: Contact UNHCR and partner organizations directly.
  • Direct Communication: Speak with UNHCR or partner staff in person.

➡️ See our Contact us page or visit the nearest community center or UNHCR premises to report any concerns.

Common Questions:

I feel my complaint won’t be taken seriously. Why should I submit one?

It is your right to share feedback or complaints about UNHCR services. Every concern is treated seriously, respectfully, and confidentially.

Where can I find accurate information about UNHCR?

Always check UNHCR’s official communication channels for verified updates and information:

  • UNHCR Help Syria website
  • UNHCR Syria’s official website
  • UNHCR Syria Facebook page
  • UNHCR Syria X (former Twitter) account

Will filing a complaint affect my case or assistance?

No, filing a complaint will not impact your case with UNHCR or the assistance you receive.

Reporting will never keep you from getting the help or assistance you need.

If the suspect is from my community, will they know I filed a complaint?

No, all complaints are handled confidentially. You can also submit complaints anonymously to ensure your privacy and safety.

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