Stay safe on the journey

If you find yourself in an abusive situation and are a victim of human trafficking, you can contact a specialized NGO in the country in which you are currently located. Most of these NGOs run a hotline that is available 24 hours a day. Please consult the following website for more information: Members – La Strada International.

Alternatively, you can call the anti-trafficking governmental hotlines. The list of hotlines in EU countries is available here.

If you are located in Switzerland, you can contact the following NGOs from the Swiss Platform against Human Trafficking, depending on your location:

The Swiss migration authorities provide further information here (also available in Ukrainian and Russian). Don’t hesitate to contact the authorities if you need help. Additional contact details of organizations that can support you in the canton where you are currently living are available here.

If you are located in Liechtenstein, you can contact the Frauenhaus, which offers counselling and shelter: +423 380 02 03 (hotline always available) / [email protected]. If you are a victim of violence, you can also contact the dedicated service of the Liechtenstein authorities (Opferhilfestelle): +423 236 76 96[email protected].

Key messages

  • There are many who will offer to help you, but not everyone is who they say they are. There are people who want to take advantage of your situation.
  • For example, they may promise you accommodation, transport or free food, and use this as a way to pressure you into sexual acts, work or services you do not agree with. Or they may want to harm you or take your belongings.

There are signs you can look for to keep yourself and your family safe. For example, be alert if someone:

  • is asking for your passport or other identification documents (apart from public authorities, e.g. at border check points);
  • is asking for your phone, laptop or other means of communication;
  • wants to separate you from your family or others you are travelling with;
  • is offering you a job that sounds too good to be true;
  • is pressuring you to perform work, services or sex (including to repay “debts”);
  • is offering assistance – such as food – only if you perform such “services”;
  • is promising to help you get relocated to, or registered or resettled in, another country against payment (apart from regular transportation fees);
  • is hiring you but not paying you or paying only part of what was promised;
  • is hiring you but is not giving you decent working conditions or is limiting your movement, for example, by taking your documents or locking the door.

There are steps you can take to stay safe:

  • Be alert and follow your own intuition about people you don’t know.
  • Always hold onto your documents. Make copies of them using your phone and send them to someone you trust.
  • Keep in touch with your family and other people you trust.
  • Know your rights and where you can access help.
  • Seek reliable information from trusted sources.

If you are looking for a place to stay:

  • Use organized accommodation by known organizations, if possible.
  • There are many reception centres, hotels, hostels and non-government organizations offering accommodation.
  • If using an online service provider, make sure to select hosts that have a positive rating and look at the reviews on the page.
  • If you stay with private individuals, try to ask around about the individuals first. Don’t agree to be separated from your family or those you arrived with, and don’t give away your documents. Ask if anything is expected of you in return and always agree on a price beforehand.

If you are looking for transportation:

  • Use organized transportation by known providers, as far as possible.
  • Many companies in the EU are now offering free travel for people fleeing Ukraine. See this webpage for options: Information for people fleeing the war in Ukraine | European Commission (
  • Don’t agree to be separated from your family or those you arrived with, and don’t give away your documents. Always agree on a price beforehand.

Advice for a safe journey is also available in Ukrainian here: Be safe on the way – LEFÖ (