This page provides information on the following topics:
UNHCR cannot organize evacuations or otherwise facilitate, logistically or financially, the departure of Syrians who wish to leave Syria.
Resettlement is not possible for Syrian nationals who are in Syria and wish to leave their own country.
Switzerland has a resettlement program, for refugees from Syria in Türkiye, Lebanon, and Egypt. However, the program has been on hold since 2023 due to the exhausted reception capacities in many Swiss cantons. It is unclear when the Swiss authorities will resume the program.
Asylum in Switzerland
The Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) is responsible for examining asylum requests. UNHCR has no formal role in the asylum procedure and generally does not intervene in individual asylum applications.
It is not possible to apply for asylum in Switzerland from abroad. To make such a request, you must be physically present on Swiss territory or at its borders.
Humanitarian visa
According to Swiss national law, Switzerland may issue a humanitarian visa to individuals whose lives are in imminent danger. However, this practice is very restrictive. In addition to a life-threatening situation, the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) generally requires that the individual has a personal connection to Switzerland. Requests for such visas typically need to be made in person at the closest Swiss representation.
For more detailed information on humanitarian visas, please visit the Swiss Red Cross website (page available in German, but you can scroll down to find information in English and other languages).
Family reunification
Family reunification in Switzerland is restricted to members of the core family, namely spouses and unmarried children under the age of 18. Additional requirements apply depending on your residence permit in Switzerland. Requests for family reunification visas must be submitted in person at a Swiss representation.
Given the complexity of family reunification law, we recommend contacting a legal counselling service in your canton of residence. You can find here a list of legal counselling offices in Switzerland.
More detailed information on family reunification provided by the Swiss Red Cross can be found on their website. Additionally, an explainer video on family reunification is available in six languages (English, Arabic, Farsi, Tigrinya, Tamil and Turkish) on UNHCR’s YouTube channel.