
Help for refugees and asylum-seekers in the Republic of Korea

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UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, created this website for refugees and asylum seekers in the Republic of Korea. On this website, you will find information about: 

How you can apply for asylum (refugee status) in Korea 

Where to find help 

Your rights and the treatment you can expect

UNHCR’s role and activities in Korea 

Contact UNHCR in Korea

This page will be continually updated. You can come back to check for new information.

Please rembember that ALL services provided by UNHCR are FREE of charge

🇺🇦 Korean government’s special humanitarian measure for Ukrainians in the Republic of Korea 🇺🇦

The Korean Ministry of Justice announced a special humanitarian measure for Ukrainians living in Korea who are unable to return to their country. Ukrainians living in Korea with a valid visa will be allowed to stay and work in Korea until the situation in Ukraine stabilises. Please note that UNHCR is not responsible for this measure. For detailed information on this measure and possible extension of stay, please contact the Immigration Contact Centre (dial 1345) operated by the Korean Ministry of Justice. 

Are you in Afghanistan? – please visit Afghanistan Help Website. UNHCR does help Afghans inside Afghanistan, but cannot help them leave the country. On the above link, you can find links to evacuation/relocation programs that have been announced for Afghans by different countries.   

🇦🇫 Korean government’s special humanitarian measure for Afghans in the Republic of Korea 🇦🇫

The Korean Ministry of Justice announced a special humanitarian measure for Afghans in the Republic of Korea. Afghans living in Korea with a valid visa will be allowed to stay and work in Korea until the situation in Afghanistan stabilizes. Please kindly note that UNHCR is not responsible for deciding this. For more information on this measure and possible temporary permit, please contact the Immigration Contact Center (dial 1345) operated by the Korean Ministry of Justice. 

🇲🇲 Korean government’s special humanitarian measure for Myanmars in the Republic of Korea 🇲🇲

The Korean Ministry of Justice implemented special humanitarian measures to allow Myanmar nationals residing legally in the Republic of Korea to extend their stay until the situation stabilizes in Myanmar. Myanmar nationals who are not able to extend their existing visas can stay under temporary status. Myanmar nationals whose visa has expired will not be forced to leave and will be allowed to depart voluntarily after the situation eases in Myanmar. Please kindly note that UNHCR is not responsible for this measure. For more information on this measure and possible temporary permit, please contact the Immigration Contact Center (dial 1345) operated by the Korean Ministry of Justice.  

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