Complementary Pathways are safe ways for refugees and asylum seekers to enter and stay in a third country, where their international protection needs are met.
Complementary Pathways are distinct and additional to resettlement. Third countries establish competitive criteria and decide who is admitted to their territories. Refugees and asylum seekers can apply directly for pathway opportunities, and a UNHCR referral is not required. To know more about available opportunities, and eligibility criteria, please check the below sections to view UNHCR Iraq Complementary Pathways verified opportunities.
Amer’s Story

Nobar’s Story

Please beware of individuals claiming false affiliation to UNHCR and/or its partners including outside the UNHCR Office or on various social media platforms. Do not trust anyone who claims to provide services on behalf of UNHCR including resettlement and complementary pathways in exchange for money or favors.