Changes to Emergency Referral Services for Refugee Camps in KRI

What is changing?

UNHCR informs you of an important change to emergency referral services for refugee camps in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). Currently, UNHCR supports emergency referrals of patients from refugee camps to public hospitals outside the camps. However, this support will be discontinued by the end of June 2023.

Who will be impacted?

This change will only affect refugees who are currently living in refugee camp settings in KRI. Urban refugees in KRI already use the national emergency call center (122) to request emergency services.

How can services be attained?

If you require emergency medical attention after June 2023, you will need to use the national emergency call center (122) to request assistance. The Kurdish Emergency Number (122) serves Iraqi nationals, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

What will remain in place?

We want to reassure you that comprehensive primary health care (PHC) services will continue to be available for Syrian refugees in camps, supported by UNHCR and other UN agencies. The comprehensive package includes the provision of primary health care, immunization, reproductive health, nutrition services including growth monitoring, and mental health and psychosocial support services. Both curative (consultations, provision of medicines, laboratory tests, emergency services, referrals) and preventive (immunization and reproductive health services) services are available and will continue either in camp based PHCs or public PHCs near refugee camps.