From 25 November to 10 December 2022
#UNiTE To End Violence Against Women and Girls; the campaign’s multi-year program activities aim at Ending Femicide.
Orange the world: # UNiTEd we stand in mobilizing our resources and efforts to addressing GBV in Iraq”
- A world free of violence is possible and the time to change is NOW.
- Women and girls have the right to protection from violence.
- Treat women and girls in your families with the same respect you would want people to show you.
- Say no to all forms of violence including physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, or economic violence.
- Be supportive: keep yourself, your family, and your community protected from violence – sexist jokes, insults, or other types of harm have no place in society.
- Pause and reconsider before blaming or shaming survivors of gender-based violence.
- No excuses for violence against women and girls – violence CANNOT be justified.
- Persons with disabilities have the right to protection from all types of violence and equal access to services.
- Psychological violence and economic violence are real. Even if the effects are hard to see – the negative impact hurts individuals and our community.
- Forced marriage is a form of violence and it is not acceptable
- Forced marriage and child marriage violates the right to marriage with full freedom of choice and the right to education.
- There is no honor in “Honor” killing, it is inhumane and cruel, it violates the rights of women and girls to life, security, and freedom from torture.
- Domestic violence affects our society, not only women and girls.
- Do not feel ashamed to seek support if you have faced or are at risk of violence.
- If you or someone in your family are feeling threatened or in danger, if you are physically, psychologically, economically, sexually harmed, you have the right to receive immediate help and support
- Call 119 hotline for KRI and 139 in Federal Iraq to receive support.
- There is support available including health support, psycho-social support, and legal assistance. You have the right to understand the resources available to you and can choose what steps you want to take.
- Remember that all information you provide will be confidential and will not be shared with anyone without your consent.
- If you or someone you know is facing difficulties and are at risk of violence because of a physical or mental disability or an injury, help is available.