UNHCR cooperates with some public institutions that can provide you with protection services and information. See details below.
Department for the Recognition of Refugee Status (DRER, Departamento de Reconocimiento de Estatus de Refugiado) 
This department of the Guatemalan Institute of Migration (Instituto Guatemalteco de Migración) is the authority in charge of receiving applications and accompanying persons in need of international protection in their process of recognition under refugee status. It works with the National Commission for Refugees (CONARE, Comisión Nacional para Refugiados).
- Address: 7ª Avenida, 14-44, Zona 9, Edificio La Galería, Office 15B, second level, Guatemala City.
- Telephone: (+502) 2231-7200
- Web: Learn more on the DRER website (link in Spanish).
Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman (PDH, Procuraduría de
Derechos Humanos) 
This institution is in charge of ensuring respect for and compliance with the rights of individuals. You can contact the PDH if you have suffered any kind of human rights violation.
- Phone number to make complaints: 1555
- Telephone for information: (+502) 2424-1717
- Web: PDH website (link in Spanish).
- Email address for reporting: [email protected]
Office of the Attorney General of the Nation (PGN, Procuraduría
General de la Nación) 
This institution is responsible for defending the interests of the State and providing legal advice to the population. UNHCR works with PGN providing care, protection and shelter for children and adolescents who lack a legal representative, and who have been victims of threats or violations of their human rights. We promote protection proceedings before the relevant jurisdictional bodies.
- Phone: 1584
- Web: You can learn more on the PGN website (link in Spanish).
Secretariat against Sexual Violence, Exploitation and Trafficking in Persons (SVET, Secretaría contra la Violencia Sexual, Explotación y Trata de Personas)
This entity is responsible for preventing sexual violence, exploitation and trafficking; and assisting and protecting survivors. The entity provides guidance and referrals to assistance services in these cases.
UNIVETS: UNHCR supports SVET’s Mobile Units, created to inform and help change negative stereotypes that promote gender-based violence. UNIVETS conducts tours in various communities throughout the country to deliver:
- Phone: (+502) 2504-8888
- Web: You can learn more on the SVET website (link in Spanish).
- Visit the Me Conecto Sin Clavos website (link in Spanish) to access counseling services and educational materials.
Social Welfare Secretariat of the Presidency (SBS, Secretaría de Bienestar Social de la Presidencia) 
Through its programs, it encourages respect for and promotion of the rights of children and adolescents..
Casa Joven: UNHCR supports these safe spaces for youth in communities with high rates of risk and social vulnerability. These safe spaces provide various services such as:
- personalized and comprehensive care
- protection against violence
- healthy habits training to children, adolescents and young people.
- Telephone: (+502) 2414-3535
- Web: learn more on the SBS website (link in Spanish).
- Learn more about the Casa Joven program (link in Spanish).