Can I appeal a negative decision?

Can I appeal a negative decision?

If your asylum application is rejected, you have the right to appeal the decision to the Administrative Court within 10 days after the decision rejecting your asylum claim was notified to you.

If you did not have a lawyer when you received the decision, the 10 days will start counting after you receive a translation of the decision in a language you understand.

Do I need a lawyer to appeal a negative decision of my asylum application?

No, but we encourage you to seek legal assistance to help you in this procedure.

You can apply for state legal aid if you cannot afford to pay a lawyer. This means that the Estonian government can nominate and pay for legal assistance for you.

Who can help me get free legal assistance?

Ask for assistance from the Police and Border Guard Board’s international protection advisers at the asylum-seeker accommodation centre or detention centre to help you by:

You can also Contact the Estonian Human Rights Centre by

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: +372 644 5148 or +372 519 49 015
  • Visit the office in person: Ahtri 8, 10151 Tallinn, 6th floor

ATTENTION! Please request an appointment before appearing in person

What are the possible outcomes of my appeal?

The Administrative Court can either

  • require the Police and Border Guard Board to make a new decision in your case


  • confirm the decision made by the Police and Border Guard Board that rejected your application


If the Administrative Court confirms the decision, you can still appeal the judgment to the Circuit Court and potentially to the Supreme Court.

Until a final decision is made by the Police and Border Guard Board or the Estonian courts, you are entitled to stay in Estonia with the asylum-seeker status.

You will have to leave Estonia if your appeal is unsuccessful at all stages. The International Organization for Migration provides support for Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration; you can contact them if you require assistance to return to your home country.

For more information:

About the asylum procedure in Estonia, please visit the website of the Police and Border Guard Board with information in English, Estonian and Russian.

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