Applying for family reunification from inside Czechia

  • Option 1: International protection based on family unity
  • Option 2: Long-term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification 

International protection based on family unity

If you are in the territory of Czechia and your family member has been granted international protection (asylum or subsidiary protection) or is currently an asylum seeker, you can as well be granted international protection based on family unity.

Who can be granted international protection based on family unity?

Asylum or subsidiary protection can be granted to a family member who does not have himself/herself fear of return to their home country but solely based on the fact that he/she is family member of a recognized refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection.

For the purposes of family reunification, a family member means:

(a) the spouse or registered partner

(b) a child under 18 years old

(c) a parent of the beneficiary of international protection under the age of 18,

(d) a guardian of an unaccompanied minor

(e) an unmarried sibling of the beneficiary of international protection under the age of 18

The condition for granting asylum to spouses is that the marriage had to be concluded before international protection was granted in Czechia.

How to apply for international protection ?

Please visit Applying for Asylum in Czechia Applying for Asylum in Czechia – UNHCR Czechia for more information about how to apply and how will the procedure look like.

You will be granted the same type of international protection as your family member- asylum or subsidiary protection.

What are the advantages of international protection compared to long term visa or residence permit ?

If you are a family member of a recognized refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection, you can get the same type of permit.

If you are granted asylum, you will obtain a permanent residence permit in Czechia and the same rights and obligations as Czech citizens, except for the right to vote and conscription (drafting to the Czech army).

If you are granted subsidiary protection, you will obtain a long-term residence permit in Czechia for a limited period, typically 1 year. The protection may be prolonged even repeatedly, if you apply for it and the reasons are still valid.

You can benefit from the State Integration Programme (SIP). The programme offers mainly affordable accommodation in integration facilities for certain time and free Czech language classes. A social worker will be assisting you.

You may register with the Labour Office to seek jobs, enroll in education programs such as university studies, do business and perform legal acts. On the other hand, you will have to comply with all legal obligations like Czech citizens, such as paying taxes, health insurance and assuming responsibility for any unlawful conduct.

Here is a comparison table of international protection and residence permits.

Regardless of type of permit you have, if you family member´s permit or international protection is not extended, yours will not be extended either (except refugee status, which is a permanent status}, given you do not have your own reasons for international protection to be granted.

 International protectionLong term residence permitLong term visa
Validity of permitBased on family member you are uniting with – 1-2 for subsidiary protection (possibility of prolongation if reasons valid) , 10 years permanent residency permit for asylumBased on your family member permit validity. First 1-2 years, possibility of prolongationMaximum 1 year, possibility to switch to long term residence permit after
Deadlines for decisionUp to 6 months on the territory (during this period, person is asylum seeker)Up to 270 days, 90 if inside CzechiaUp to 90 days
Access to labour marketPossibility to work with permit after 6 months as asylum seeker, after international protection has been granted, free access to labour marketFree access to labour marketWork permit needed
Health insurancePublic health insurance – for free as asylum seekers, after IP is granted, same conditions as for foreigners with permanent residencyPrivate health insurance for adults, public health insurance for children (but not free of charge)Private health insurance
IntegrationGranted refugees can benefit from state integration programme (affordable housing, financial asssitance, czech courses)Obligation to take adapation and integration course within 1 year from getting the permitNone