Civil Society Partner Organizations

You can count on the support of civil society organizations that partner with UNHCR to receive free assistance on various topics: access to information and guidance on asylum procedures, housing, health, education, documentation, Portuguese courses, work, etc. UNHCR advises contacting them directly to find out more about their services and activities.

🇧🇷The organizations listed here are not authorized/registered to issue humanitarian visas🇧🇷



Caritas Arquidiocesana de Manaus
🇧🇷 Address: R Av. Joaquim Nabuco, 13 – Downtown. Manaus – AM, 69020-031
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (92) 99292-4472 | (92) 3212-9030
🇧🇷 Services: reception for new arrivals; employability; social assistance; legal assistance; education; documentation.

Support and Reference Center for Refugees and Migrants (CARE)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Maués, 120 – Cachoeirinha. Manaus – AM, 69065-070
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (92) 3342-6531 | (92) 99303-7757
🇧🇷 Services: support in accessing documentation, legal and social assistance services, referrals to public services and partner networks, employability, Portuguese and vocational courses, emergency financial assistance for more vulnerable profiles.

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
🇧🇷 Address: Rua Furnas, 484 – Raiz. Manaus – AM, 69068-580
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (92) 3304-0675 | (92) 3342-6531 | (92) 99303-7757
🇧🇷 Services: support in accessing documentation, legal and social assistance services, referrals to public services and partner networks, employability, Portuguese and vocational courses, emergency financial assistance for more vulnerable profiles.

🇧🇷 Address: R. Quintino Bocaiúva, 626 – Centro. Manaus – AM, 69550-049
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (92) 99431-5431 | (92) 98403-0112
🇧🇷 Services: employability, entrepreneurship, legal assistance, community integration, health.

Instituto Mana
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Ephigênio Salles, 1299 – Aleixo. Manaus – AM, 69060-020
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (92) 98833-0857 | (92) 99912-5099 | (92) 99912-5640 | (92) 98833-1465
🇧🇷 Services: management of protection cases, guidance, support and referral to the local protection network for access to social assistance and health services, women’s rights and LGBTQI+ people.

Jesuit Service to Migrants and Refugees (SJMR)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Constantino Nery, 1029 – Saint Geraldo. Manaus – AM, 69010-160
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (92) 99157-6097
🇧🇷 Services: socio-assistance assistance, support for entering the job market, facilitated access to Portuguese and vocational courses, referral for revalidation of diplomas and financial and material assistance.

The House of the Brazilian Object Museum
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 3814-9711
🇧🇷 Services: support for indigenous Venezuelans.

Federal District


Migration and Human Rights Institute (IMDH)
🇧🇷 Address: Quadra 7 Conjunto C Lote 1 Quadra 7 Conjunto C Lote 1, Varjão, Brasília – DF, 71555-239
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected] | [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (61) 3340-2689 | (61) 3447-8043 | (61) 98210-5085
🇧🇷 Services: legal and social assistance assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, employability, easy access to Portuguese and vocational courses, emergency financial aid for more vulnerable profiles.

SOS Children’s Villages
🇧🇷 Address: SGAN 914Asa Norte, Brasília – DF, 70297-400
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (61) 3272-3482

Minas Gerais

Belo Horizonte

Jesuit Service to Migrants and Refugees (SJMR)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Amazonas, 641 – 17th floor – Downtown. Belo Horizonte – MG, 30180-001
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (31) 99210-3434 | (31) 99567-6745 | (31) 99289-0216 | (31) 99210-3435 | (31) 99786-8145 | (31) 99210-3444 | (31) 99210-3443 | (31) 99428-0043 | (31) 99295-4122
🇧🇷 Services: legal and social assistance assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, employability, easy access to Portuguese and professional training courses.



University Center of the State of Pará (CESUPA) – Human Rights Clinic
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Adm. Barroso, nº 3775 – Souza. Belém – PA, 66613-903
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (91) 4009-9112 | (91) 4009-9185
🇧🇷 Services: legal assistance.

FUNPAPA – Pope John XXIII Foundation
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Rômulo Maiorana, 1018 – São Brás. Belém – PA, 66110-047
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (91) 3259-5973
🇧🇷 Services: social assistance.

International Institute of Education of Brazil (IEB)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Paulo Frota 1,500 – Val de Caes. 66617-418, Belém-PA
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (91) 3222-9363

SOS Children’s Villages
🇧🇷 Address: Rod. do Tapanã, 2807 – Tapanã (Icoaraci) Belém – PA, 66825-010
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: 4003-5339



Cáritas Diocesana de Apucarana
📍 Address: Rua José Miskowski, 240, Apucarana – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (43) 96590-106
🤲🏼 Servicios: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability and psychological support.

Campo Mourão

Cáritas Diocesana de Campo Mourão
📍 Address: Av. Irmãos Pereira, 51, Campo Mourão – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (44) 99987-4887
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability, psychological support, shelter and Portuguese classes.


Cáritas Arquidiocesana de Cascavel
📍 Address: Rua Luis Venturin, 802, Cascavel – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (45) 99108-5103
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability, psychological support, shelter and Portuguese classes.


Cáritas Arquidiocesana de Curitiba
📍 Address: Av. Jaime Reis, 369, Curitiba – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (41) 21056-368
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability, psychological support and Portuguese classes.

Foz do Iguacu

Cáritas Diocesana de Foz do Iguaçu
📍 Address: Rua Patrulheiro Venanti Otremba, 585, Foz do Iguaçu – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (45) 98413-5742
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception areas, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability, psychological support and shelter.

Casa do Migrante Foz do Iguaçu
🇧🇷 Address: R. Oswaldo Cruz, 756 – Vila Portes. Foz do Iguaçu – PR, 85865-155
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (45) 99997-3331
🇧🇷 Services: social assistance.


Cáritas Diocesana de Guarapuava
📍 Address: Rua Wilson Silverio Martins, 243, Guarapuava – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (42) 88784-698
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability and psychological support.


Cáritas Diocesana de Jacarezinho
📍 Address: Av. Getúlio Vargas, 262, Jacarezinho – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (43) 96179-040
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability and psychological support.


Cáritas Arquidiocesana de Londrina
📍 Address: Rua Dom Bosco, 145, Londrina – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (43) 33387-252
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability and psychological support.


Cáritas Arquidiocesana de Maringá
📍 Address: Rua Nossa Senhora da Glória, 332, Maringá – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (44) 32634-887
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability, psychological support and Portuguese classes.


Cáritas Diocesana de Paranaguá
📍 Address: Largo Iria Corrêa, 31, Paranaguá – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (41) 98495-4340
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability and psychological support.


Cáritas Diocesana de Paranavaí
📍 Address: Rua Francisco Vieira Borges, 373, Paranavaí – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (44) 9911-1343
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability and psychological support.

Palmas/Francisco Beltrão

Cáritas Diocesana de Palmas/Francisco Beltrão
📍 Address: Rua Alagoas, 524, Francisco Beltrão – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (46) 99310-418
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability and psychological support.

Ponta Grossa

Cáritas Diocesana de Ponta Grossa
📍Address: Rua Padre Cesar Buss, 335, Ponta Grossa – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (42) 32261-165
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability, psychological support and Portuguese classes.


Cáritas Diocesana de Toledo
📍 Address: Rua General Rondon, 2006, Toledo – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (45) 98300-493
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability, psychological support and Portuguese classes.


Cáritas Diocesana de Umuarama
📍 Address: Av. Pe. José Germano Neto Jr., 4260, Umuarama – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (44) 99768-0028
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability, psychological support and Portuguese classes.

União da Vitória

Cáritas Diocesana de União da Vitória
📍 Address: Rua Estefano Makiak, 2334, União da Vitória – PR
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (42) 99928-0464
🤲🏼 Services: protection, reception locations, documentation, financial assistance, integration, education, legal assistance, social assistance, employability and psychological support.

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Reference and Service Center for Immigrants in Rio de Janeiro (CRAI)
🇧🇷 Address: R. Bento Ribeiro, 86, Gamboa. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20221-430
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (21) 96625-3903
🇧🇷 Services: legal assistance, social assistance and psychological assistance, referrals to public services and partner networks, easy access to basic, intermediate and advanced Portuguese courses and preparation for CELPE-BRAS, a digital inclusion room with internet and computers, curriculum preparation, training on the Microsoft Office.
Caritas Arquidiocesana do Rio de Janeiro – Refugee and Asylum Seeker Assistance Program (PARES)
🇧🇷 Address: R. São Francisco Xavier, 483 – Maracanã. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20550-011
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (21) 99794-5436 (Reception) | (21) 98463-6504 and (21) 97951-2786 (Legal) | (21) 98463-6505 (Social Assistance) | (21) 97228-1178 (Portuguese course) | (21) 98756-9375 (Psychologist) | (21) 99580-4488 Employability Center | (21) 99832-0469 Professional Training.
🇧🇷 Services: legal, socio-assistance and psychosocial assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, support for entering the job market and entrepreneurship, facilitated access to Portuguese and vocational courses, emergency financial assistance for more vulnerable profiles.
LGBT+ Movement
⏰ Opening Hours: face-to-face activities, scheduled in advance by email or telephone
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (21) 97340-7899 | (21) 98533-1879
🇧🇷 Services: exclusive assistance to LGBTI+ migrants and refugees.
SOS Children’s Villages
🇧🇷 Address: Rua Jardim do Seridó, 200 – Itanhangá, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22641-340
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (21) 3393-8653

Rio Grande do Sul

Porto Alegre

Jesuit Service to Migrants and Refugees (SJMR)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Unisinos, 950 Bloco B3 Sala 106 – Cristo Rei. São Leopoldo – RS, 93022-750
⏰ Opening Hours: attendance by appointment via Whatsapp or email
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (51) 3254-0140
🇧🇷 Services: legal, socio-assistance and psychosocial assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, support for insertion in the labor market and entrepreneurship, facilitated access to Portuguese and professional training courses, emergency financial assistance to profiles of greater vulnerability.

SOS Children’s Villages
🇧🇷 Address: Av. João Elustondo Filho, 100, Sarandi Porto Alegre – RS
🇧🇷 Phone: (51) 9471-4589
🇧🇷 Services: services provided within the communities, focusing on home visits to families previously mapped in the North Zone of Porto Alegre, affected by the floods of May 2025. The actions aim to strengthen these families in guaranteeing their rights, through referrals to public services and partner networks, psychological and psychiatric care, support for insertion into the job market, facilitating access to Portuguese and professional training courses, updating and guidance for obtaining documentation, in addition to strengthening family and community ties.

Caixas do Sul

Migrant Service Center (CAM)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Unisinos, 950 Bloco B3 Sala 106 – Cristo Rei. São Leopoldo – RS, 93022-750
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (51) 3254-0140
🇧🇷 Services: legal, socio-assistance and psychosocial assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, support for insertion in the labor market and entrepreneurship, facilitated access to Portuguese and professional training courses, emergency financial assistance to profiles of greater vulnerability.


Boa Vista

Jesuit Service to Migrants and Refugees (SJMR)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Gen. Ataíde Teive, 2386 A – LiberdadeBoa Vista – RR, 69309-000
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (95) 3623-5990 | (95) 99962 1000
🇧🇷 Services: legal, socio-assistance and psychosocial assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, support for insertion in the labor market and entrepreneurship, facilitated access to Portuguese and vocational courses.

Migrations and Human Rights Institute (IMDH) Solidarity
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (95) 99175 0955
🇧🇷 Services: legal and social assistance assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, employability, easy access to Portuguese courses and training courses, emergency financial aid for more vulnerable profiles.

Adventist Development and Assistance Resources Agency (ADRA)
🇧🇷 Address: R. Belarmino F Magalhães, 1584 – Tancredo Neves. Boa Vista – RR, 69313-485
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (95) 98112-5265
🇧🇷 Services: support in accessing documentation, legal and socio-assistance assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, employability , Portuguese and vocational courses, emergency financial aid for more vulnerable profiles.

Center for Migration and Human Rights of the Diocese of Roraima (CMDH)
🇧🇷 Address: R. Floriano Peixoto, 302 – Centro. Boa Vista – RR, 69301-320
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (95) 3623-5990 | (95) 3623-3220
🇧🇷 Services: support in accessing documentation, legal and social assistance assistance, referral to public services and partner networks.

International Humanitarian Federation (FFHI) (International Fraternity)
🇧🇷 Address: R. Alferes Paulo Saldanha, 213 – Centro. Boa Vista – RR, 69301-420
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (95) 3623-3123
🇧🇷 Services: education, first aid (psychology and trauma), place of reception, employability and legal assistance.

Boa Vista Salvation Army
🇧🇷 Address: R. Bartolomeu Bueno Silva, 184 – Calunga. Boa Vista – RR, 69303-210
🇧🇷 Phone: (95) 98114-7945 | (95) 98129-0075
🇧🇷 Services: curriculum development, social assistance; legal assistance; psychological assistance; documentation, courses/support for online platforms; support groups.

Boa Vista Screening Post (PTRIG)
🇧🇷 Address: Treze de Setembro. Boa Vista – RR, 69308-050
⏰ Opening Hours: Mondays to Fridays, from 7h to 18h

The House of the Brazilian Object Museum
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 3814-9711
🇧🇷 Services: support for indigenous Venezuelans.

Association of Volunteers for International Service (AVSI)
🇧🇷 Address: shelters in Boa Vista/RR

Pan-American Development Foundation (PADF)
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]

Fraternidade Sem Fronteiras
🇧🇷 Address: Operário, Boa Vista – RR
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: 4003-5538


Association of Volunteers for International Service (AVSI)
🇧🇷 Address: PITRIG Pacaraima. BR174, s/n. Pacaraima – RR

Training and Reference Center (CCR)
🇧🇷 Address: R. Sinésio Sales, S/N. Pacaraima – RR, 69345-000
🇧🇷 Services: professional training activities, issuing of Work Permits and CVs, professional training courses, Portuguese language courses, entrepreneurship room and peaceful coexistence activities. It also offers public bathrooms, showers and changing tables through the Orinoco project (Cáritas).

Pastoral Center for Migrants (CEPAMI)
🇧🇷 Address: R. Brasil, 6. Pacaraima – RR, 69345-000
🇧🇷 Phone: (95) 98411-9335
🇧🇷 Services: legal and social assistance assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, employability, facilitated access to Portuguese and vocational courses.

Santa Catarina


Cáritas Brasileira Regional Santa Catarina
📍 Address: Casa de Direitos – R. Antônio Mariano de Souza, 1135 – Ipiranga, São José – SC, 88111-510
⏰ Opening Hours: Mondays to Fridays, from 13:30h to 18h
📩 Email: caritassc@caritas | [email protected]
📞 Phone: (48) 3234-7033 | (48) 48 3375-7389
🤲🏼 Services: guidance on access to social rights in line with basic social protection and social assistance, referrals to public services and partner entities.

Pastoral Care for Migrants – Scalabrini Mission of Florianópolis / Scalabrini Office for Migrant Care (ESAM)
📍 Address: Rua Treze de Maio, 62 – Prainha, Florianópolis – SC, 88020-230
⏰ Opening Hours: Mondays to Thursdays, from 9h to 12h and from 1h to 5h
📩 Email: [email protected] | [email protected]
📞 Phone: (48) 98826-9229 (scheduling via Whatsapp)
🤲🏼 Services: assistance for documentation and regularization of documentary status (residence, refuge, renewal and 2nd copy); naturalization process; socio-labor insertion (preparation of CVs, guidance and referral to a network of partner companies); legal and psychological referral; identification and referral for social assistance.

Hospitality Circles
📍 Address: R. Duque de Caxias, s/n – Saco dos Limões, Florianópolis – SC, 88045-210
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (48) 99800-5255 | (48) 99638-0528
🤲🏼 Services: employability; social assistance; guidance on access to rights; documentation, Portuguese classes, entrepreneurship course, psychosocial care.

Jesuit Service to Migrants and Refugees (SJMR)
📍 Address: Casa de Direitos – R. Antônio Mariano de Souza, 1135 – Ipiranga, São José – SC, 88111-510
⏰ Opening Hours: Mondays to Fridays, from 8h to 17h
📞 Phone: (48) 99190-7139 | (48) 99111-6344
🤲🏼 Services: referral to public services and partner networks, assistance in the document regularization process, organization of cultural and social assistance activities.

AVSI – Welcomed through Work Project
⏰ Opening Hours: Mondays to Fridays, from 8h to 17h
📞 Phone: (48) 991349304 – Florianópolis
📩 Website: / |
🤲🏼 Services: training courses and professional and educational guidance, social integration activities, mediation for job openings


AVSI – Welcomed through Work Project
📞 Phone: (48)991191241 – Joinville
📩 Website: / |
🤲🏼 Services: training courses and professional guidance and educational, social integration activities, mediation for job vacancies.


AVSI – Welcomed through Work Project
📞 Phone: (49) 991756398 – Chapecó
📩 Website: / |
🤲🏼 Services: training courses and professional guidance and educational, social integration activities, mediation for job vacancies.

Pastoral Care for Migrants Archdiocese of Chapecó – Scalabrini Mission of Santa Catarina
📍 Address: Rua São João, 106 D – Fundos, Centro – Chapecó, 89801-230
⏰ Opening Hours: Mondays to Fridays, from 8h to 17:30h
📩 Email: [email protected]
📞 Phone: (49) 98816-5923
🤲🏼 Services: assistance for documentation and regularization of document status (CPF, residence, refuge, renewal and 2nd copy); naturalization process; socio-labor insertion (preparation of resumes, guidance and referral to network of partner companies); identification and referral for social assistance.

São Paulo

Sao Paulo

Caritas Arquidiocesana de São Paulo (CASP)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Mal. Eurico Gaspar Dutra, 1853 – English Parade. São Paulo – SP, 02239-010
⏰ Opening Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 8:30h to 17:30h
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 97628-9621
🇧🇷 Services: legal, social assistance and psychosocial support; referral to job vacancies, Portuguese and professional training courses; emergency financial aid to the most vulnerable people.

Missão Paz
🇧🇷 Address: Rua Glicério, 225 – Liberdade. São Paulo – SP, 01514-000
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 3340-6950
🇧🇷 Services: assistance and structured services in the following areas: documentation and legal; work, professional and language training and citizenship; health; social service; family and community.

Reference and Service Center for Immigrants (CRAI)
🇧🇷 Address: R. Maj. Diogo, 834 – Bela Vista, São Paulo – SP, 01324-001
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 2361-3780 | (11) 2361-5069
🇧🇷 Services: legal, socio-assistance and psychosocial assistance, referral to public services and partner networks, support for insertion in the labor market and entrepreneurship, facilitated access to Portuguese and vocational courses.

Immigrant Citizenship Integration Center
🇧🇷 Address: R. Barra Funda, 1020 – Barra Funda, São Paulo – SP, 01152-000
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 3115–2048
🇧🇷 Services: legal assistance and referral to public services and partner networks.

SOS Brasil Children’s Villages
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Manuel Alves Soares, 712 – Jardim Colonial, São Paulo – SP, 04821-270
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 5661-0026
🇧🇷 Services: employability; social assistance; guidance on access to rights; documentation, Portuguese classes, entrepreneurship course, psychosocial care.

🇧🇷 Address: R. da Glória, 900 – Liberdade. São Paulo – SP, 01510-000
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected] | [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 2537-3441 | (11) 97512-0307 | (11) 93730-4461
🇧🇷 Services: legal assistance, preparation and forwarding of diploma and certificate revalidation processes with public universities and Portuguese courses.

I’m a Refugee
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 97081-4907
🇧🇷 Services: employability and training projects involving companies.

I Know My Rights (IKMR)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Brigadier Luís Antônio, 826 – Bela Vista, São Paulo – SP, 01318-001
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 97782-8904

🇧🇷 Address: R. Oscar Freire, 2379 – Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP, 05409-120
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]

Support Program for Refugee Relocation (PARR)
🇧🇷 Address: Av. Bad. Eurico Gaspar Dutra, 1853 – English Parade. São Paulo – SP, 02239-010
⏰ Opening Hours: to perform service with PARR, click here and fill out the form
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 96641-3156
🇧🇷 Services: support for labor inclusion, through a job search platform aimed exclusively at this population and constant awareness of the private sector.

Pact for the Right to Migrate (PDMIG) – África do Coração
🇧🇷 Address: R. Venceslau Brás, 146 – sala 801 – Sé, São Paulo – SP, 01016-000
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 3101-7040

Banco do Povo
🇧🇷 Address: R. Boa Vista, 170 – Historical Center of São Paulo. São Paulo – SP, 01014-000
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 3241-7381
🇧🇷 Services: financial inclusion and access to microcredit for people in refugee situations and migrants.

Refugee Reintegration Institute – Adus Institute
🇧🇷 Address: Av. São João, 313 – Historic Center of São Paulo, São Paulo – SP, 01035-905
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 3225-0439 | (11) 94744-2879
🇧🇷 Services: legal assistance, Portuguese course , employability, documentation.

Education Without Borders
🇧🇷  Address: Viaduto Santa Ifigênia, 66, cj. 121 – Historic Center of São Paulo – São Paulo
⏰ Opening Hours: Mondays to Fridays, from 9h to 17:30h
🇧🇷 Email:  [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: (11) 91428-3970
🇧🇷 Services: pre-university entrance exam course, Portuguese course, vocational course and academic guidance.


Centro de Referência em Direitos Humanos e Combate ao Racismo
🇧🇷  Address: Rua Salem Bechara, 407- Centro – Osasco – SP, 06018-180
🇧🇷 Email: [email protected]
🇧🇷 Phone: 3682-6670
🇧🇷 Services: legal assistance; technical assistance from social and psychological services; referrals to network services: employability, Portuguese courses, documentation.

Other states

For information about the support services available in other cities, you can also consult the services offered by Cátedra Sergio Vieira de Mello. For that, click here.

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