Entering Panama through the Darién province, a jungle region that serves as a natural border with Colombia, is irregular and extremely dangerous due to the absence of defined routes and multiple threats.
What are the risks of crossing Darien?
- Extortion
- High temperatures of up to 35°C
- Bites or attacks from wild animals
- Physical or sexual violence
- Robberies
- Human trafficking, including sexual and labor exploitation
- Family separation and disappearances
- Drowning risk
- Physical exhaustion during long and dangerous journeys in the jungle
- Accidents due to terrain conditions
- Among others
Are there places to receive assistance for people crossing Darien?
People entering Panama through the Darien Region can access ETRMs, which are coordinated and managed by the Government of Panama through the National Migration Service (SNM) and the National Border Service (SENAFRONT). The ETRM in Panama: Lajas Blancas located at the eastern border (Darien province).
Attention: All services offered by UNHCR, and its partners are free of charge. If someone asks for money or favors of any kind in exchange for information, access to documents, or services, SAY NO! All services provided by humanitarian organizations are free, and no one can charge for providing information or humanitarian assistance.