About UNHCR in Myanmar

The work of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is entirely humanitarian, non-political, and guided by internationally recognized principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence.

UNHCR is mandated by the United Nations to protect and safeguard the rights of refugees, former refugees who have returned to their home country, people displaced within their own country, and people who are stateless or whose nationality is disputed.

In Myanmar, we have been present since 1993. We care for the needs of forcibly displaced and stateless persons in Chin, Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Mon, Rakhine and Shan states as well as Bago, Magway, Sagaing and Tanintharyi regions.

By collaborating closely with partners such as sister UN agencies, NGOs and local communities, UNHCR plays a crucial role in providing life-saving assistance and emergency relief.

We also advocate for the fundamental human rights of forcibly displaced and stateless persons and their host communities. Our goal is to work towards sustainable solutions that ensure people have a safe place to call home and can build a better future in cohesive and resilient communities.

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