How to apply for family reunification

If you have received refugee status or subsidiary protection status in Finland, and you were separated from your family before or during your journey from your home country, you can apply for family reunification so that your family can join you in Finland, under specific conditions.

What is the timeframe to apply for family reunification?

There is no time limitation for you to apply for family reunification.

Are there income requirements?

If you were granted refugee protection in Finland and want to apply for family reunification, you are exempted from income requirements for 3 months from the date when you received your decision.

If you were granted subsidiary protection in Finland and want to apply for family reunification, income requirements apply.

If you are a child and you were granted refugee protection or subsidiary protection in Finland, income requirements do not apply.

Read more about income requirements on the page of the Finnish Immigration Service.

If you fail to fulfil the criteria, family reunification may be denied. You can appeal this decision before the Finnish courts.

Whom can you reunite with?

It is possible for your spouse and children under 18 years old to come to reside with you. If your application for family reunification is accepted, you need to organise and pay for the trip for your family members to come to Finland. A support person, legal advisor or advisor can assist you with filling in the necessary documentation, if necessary.

In special situations, other close members of your family who had lived with you in your home country and who fully depend on you may come to reside with you in Finland.

Where can I find help for a family reunification process?

We advise you to contact our partner, the Finnish Refugee Advice Center.

In Finland, UNHCR supports the national authorities in executing their duties in line with international and European standards. UNHCR is not part of the family reunification procedure in Finland. The procedure in Finland is under the responsibility of the Finnish Immigration Service.

I need help to find a missing family member in another country (family tracing)

If you reside in Finland, we advise you to contact our partner, the Finnish Red Cross. This organization carries out family tracing services. Please find their contact details below:

Finnish Red Cross

Read more about the work carried out by the Finnish Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross in relation to family tracing.

If you reside outside Finland, we recommend that you see the HELP page for the country in which you reside.

Please be informed that UNHCR does not provide family tracing services.

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