If you are a refugee from Ukraine in Denmark, please visit the website of the Government of Denmark, which contains important information in English, Ukrainian and Danish. You can also call the Danish Immigration Service at +45 35 36 66 00 (Mondays to Wednesdays 9.00–15.00, Thursdays 12.00–17.00, and Fridays 9.00–12.00).
If you fleeing Ukraine and are in Poland, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, please find on the Digital Blue Dot information about rights and services and where to find help. The site is also available in Ukrainian and Russian.
People arriving from Ukraine may be entitled to a temporary residence permit in Denmark under the Special Act (the Danish law on temporary residence permits for refugees from Ukraine). You may be eligible for a temporary residence permit in Denmark if you are a:
- a citizen of Ukraine who used to live in Ukraine and had to flee the country on 1 February 2022 or after, and is currently in Denmark or staying on the Faroe Islands,
- a foreigner in Ukraine who had refugee status in Ukraine on 24 February 2022 and had to flee the country on 24 February 2022 or after,
- a citizen of Ukraine or a foreigner or stateless person who had refugee status in Ukraine on 24 February 2022 and who was staying in Denmark or had a residence permit in Denmark on 24 February 2022,
- a close family member to a person in Denmark who has been granted a residence permit under the Danish law on residence permits for refugees from Ukraine (called the “Special Act”).
Under Danish rules, the following persons are considered “close family members”:
- a spouse or partner
- underage unmarried child (under 18 years old)
- other close relatives who lived in the same household and were dependent of the Ukrainian citizen
How to apply for Temporary Protection in Denmark
Please watch this video guide in Ukrainian on the online application process for Temporary Protection by the Danish Immigration Service (to open the video, click on the website’s section titled ‘Video guide to the application’ / ‘Відеоінструкція до заявки’).
You will find more information on how to apply for a temporary residence permit in Denmark on the website of the Danish immigration authorities:
- How to apply for a temporary residence permit if you are in Denmark, and you are a Ukrainian citizen, available in English, Ukrainian and Danish.
- How to apply for a temporary residence permit if you are in Denmark, and you were recognized as a refugee in Ukraine, available in English, Ukrainian and Danish.
- How to apply if you are a family member of a person in Denmark fleeing from Ukraine, available in English, Ukrainian and Danish.
- How to apply if you are in the Faroe Islands and are fleeing Ukraine, available in English and Danish.
You need to fill out an application form (SL1) for all the options indicated above. You can complete and submit the form online. When you do so, you will automatically receive an electronic receipt to prove that you have submitted the application online.
You can also print the form and fill it out by hand. If you choose this option, then you need to book an appointment with the Danish Immigration Service’s Citizen Service, and choose the closest location to you.
If you have children under 18 who also wish to apply for a temporary residence permit, you must include their information in the same form. You do not need to make a separate application for your children if they are under 18 years old.
We recommend that you prepare the documents you need before you start filling out the form. For example, your passport or other identity documents, your family members’ passports or identity documents, your documents showing that you were granted refugee status in Ukraine, etc.
The decision to grant a temporary residence permit to Ukrainians in Denmark and issue a residence permit is made by the Danish Immigration Service (DIS). The Danish Immigration Service will send you a letter to the address that you have provided to them upon registration as soon as they have made a decision on your application. The Danish Immigration Service will also contact you if they need further information from you.
The Danish Immigration Service tries to make decisions as soon as possible. They cannot give a specific timeline for decisions because of the high number of applications. It will depend on whether they have all the information they need or need more information from you.
Information, rights and obligations for Temporary Protection from Ukraine in Denmark
- If you have been granted a temporary residence permit in Denmark, you can find information on your rights and obligations on the website of the Danish Immigration Service, available in Ukrainian, English and Danish. This temporary residence permit is valid until 17 March 2024.
- Read more information about your stay in Denmark, where you can live, work in Denmark, and healthcare, on the website of the Danish Immigration Service, available in English.
- Read more about the temporary residence permit, asylum and integration for Ukrainians in Denmark, as well as useful contacts on our partner’s website, the Danish Refugee Council, available in English, Ukrainian and Russian. The Danish Refugee Council has also opened a hotline for Ukrainians in Denmark that you can contact by dialling +45 3373 5151 (Mondays to Fridays, 9.00-12.00).
- If you are now in Denmark and coming from Ukraine, you can reunite with your family. You will find information and guidance on the online portal of the Danish immigration authorities, available in English, Ukrainian and Danish
People who are not eligible for Temporary Protection in Denmark
If you have been denied a temporary residence permit in Denmark, you can find information on available next steps on the website of the Danish Immigration Service, available in English, Ukrainian and Danish. There you will find information on how to appeal the negative decision, if you can apply for other types of residence permits or asylum, etc.
If you are not eligible for a temporary residence permit in Denmark, it may be possible for you to apply for asylum or remain in Denmark on other grounds.