What can be the decision in my case?

The Danish Immigration Service will send you a letter to the address you provided to communicate the decision in your case. If you have a lawyer, the letter will be sent to your lawyer.

There are four possible outcomes of the asylum procedure:

  • You are granted refugee status and issued a temporary residence permit with an initial duration of 2 years, which can be extended for 2-year periods.
  • You are granted subsidiary protection status and issued a temporary residence permit with an initial duration of 1 year, which can be extended for 2-year periods.
  • You are granted temporary protected status and issued a temporary residence permit with an initial duration of 1 year, which can be extended for 1-year periods.
  • Your application for international protection is denied.

➡️If you are granted asylum (convention status, protected status, or temporary protected status), the letter from the Danish Immigration Service will include a description of your rights and obligations, depending on the status you are granted. The main difference is in the length of the residence permit you are issued.

➡️If your asylum application is denied, you will receive the decision in a letter that includes the reasons why your asylum application is rejected. The case is automatically appealed to the Danish Refugee Appeals Board, so you do not need to prepare an appeal yourself.

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