Can I appeal a negative decision?

If Danish Immigration Service denies your asylum case, the case is automatically appealed to the Danish Refugee Appeals Board, which means that you do not need to follow any steps to appeal the decision. The Danish Refugee Appeals Board is like a court and acts as an appeal body.

For the appeal procedure and if you cannot afford to pay a lawyer, you can request a lawyer that is free of charge provided by the State.

There are two possible outcomes of the appeal:

  1. The Danish Refugee Appeals Board decides to grant you asylum (convention status, protected status, or temporary protected status) in Denmark.
  2. The Danish Refugee Appeals Board confirms the decision of the Danish Immigration Service denying your asylum application. This decision cannot be appealed.

You can view the information videos elaborated by the Danish Refugee Council about counselling services for people whose asylum application has been rejected in Denmark, available in Arabic, Danish, Farsi/Dari, English, French, Pashto, Russian and Spanish.

You can also check an information booklet on the asylum procedure in Denmark, available on the website of the Danish Refugee Council. The summary is available in Arabic, Danish, Farsi/Dari, English, French, Pashto, Russian, Somali and Sorani. If you have other questions about appealing a decision that rejects your asylum application, please visit the website of the Danish immigration authorities, available in English and Danish.

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