Shelter assistance

All UNHCR services that of our partners are free of charge.

UNHCR provides life-saving shelter assistance to meet urgent and long-term needs.

In Syria, our services include emergency shelters, repairs of damaged homes, and restoration of communal facilities in return areas to enhance livelihoods and the capacity of communities.

Emergency shelter

Designed for newly displaced individuals and those in camps.

  • Family tents

    • Emergency tents for internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees in camps, offering short-term shelter.
    • Tents require replacement after one year to remain effective.
  • Camp maintenance and expansion

    • Maintenance and improvement of camps, which are temporary facilities for IDPs and refugees.
  • Upgrading collective shelters

    • Repairs to existing collective shelters accommodating IDPs, such as washing facilities, staircases, roofs, and pipes, based on technical damage assessments.

Longer-term shelter assistance

Aimed at returnees and those in damaged housing.

  • Damaged House Repairs

    • Repairs include structural work, electrical cabling, lighting installation, and WASH improvements in homes and common areas.
  • Shelter Material Distribution and Installation

    • Distribution and installation of doors, windows, electrical equipment, and water facilities to make homes habitable.
  • Cash for Shelter

    • Grants for families to carry out minor repairs based on a technical assessment, for those preferring cash over in-kind support.
  • Cash for Rent

    • Temporary financial support for displaced families meeting vulnerability criteria who need housing but lack other options.

Restoration of Communal Basic Facilities

UNHCR supports repairs in areas where displaced families and returnees are settling to ease the burden on host communities and to enhance the resilience of both returnees and the host communities.

Examples include:

  • Repairs to schools, health clinics, markets, and civil registries.
  • Restoring sewage, water, and irrigation systems.
  • Installing solar streetlights and clearing debris.

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