Family reunification

If you have been recognized as a refugee in Somalia, your family might be eligible to reunite with you. If required, UNHCR can provide counseling on the family reunification process. Please contact your closest UNHCR Office for more information.

Are you a refugee or asylum seeker in Somalia and you want to join your family in a different country?

The protection of the family unit is an important human right. If you were separated from your family members before or during your flight and they are in a third country where they have been recognized as refugees, you might be eligible for reunite with them.

Frequently asked questions

Who can apply for family reunification?

The protection of the family unit generally refers to the core family, meaning your wife or husband, as well as your children, or your parents if you are an unaccompanied child. Other dependents might also be eligible. Your children have to be unmarried and cannot be more than 18 years of age. Your family members that live in the third country generally have to have been recognized as refugees.

How to apply for family reunification?

Procedures to reunite with your family vary depending on the rules of the third country. In some countries you have to file an application in a specific timeframe (e.g. the first three months after being recognized as a refugee). Generally, you will have to file an application with an embassy of the country that your family members live in. You will also have to submit documents that prove your family ties.

How can UNHCR help me with my family reunification?

  • Your family in a third country can reach out to UNHCR to inquire about information on family reunification.
  • UNHCR Somalia can provide proof of registration for family members who are or were registered refugees in Somalia
  • UNHCR Somalia can bring cases of children or family members in need of additional protection to the attention of UNHCR staff in the field and ensure protection needs are met; and
  • UNHCR Somalia can aid in contacting the appropriate staff in the field in case issues arise.

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