Cash Assistance
UNHCR uses cash-based interventions to provide protection, assistance, and services to the most vulnerable. Cash helps the displaced meet a variety of basic needs, including access to food, water, healthcare, and shelter.
How does cash assistance work?
Refugees with vulnerability identified through various channels of engagement are individually assessed for eligibility based on establish criteria. Cash assistance is then provided to the most vulnerable refugees assessed to have met the specific eligibility criteria. Not every registered refugee has the right to receive cash assistance.
How UNHCR determines who is eligible for cash assistance?
The decision takes into consideration several factors like financial, well-being and risk profiles. Variables including refugee’s age, older persons and persons with disability without effective support, socio-economic status, access to other assistance, persons having specific needs, medical conditions among others are considered. Based on reviews and comprehensive assessment of an individual/ family refugee/s and asylum-seekers with vulnerability and higher risk profiles are provided cash assistance. Any eligibility decisions related to cash does not deny or enhance access to other assistance programs.
If you believe that your situation will need extra attention due to your situation of heightened vulnerability,
please call the UNHCR contact number 011 4353 0444 or write to UNHCR India at [email protected]
Gender-Based Violence & Children at Risk
Gender-based violence is a serious violation of human rights. It causes psychological, physical, and sexual harm to a person and it is unacceptable.
Survivors and the community can do something about it. Silence is not the answer. Everyone in the community has a responsibility to create a safe and supportive environment to live in and prevent gender-based violence.
How to support:
· Listen to the survivor and respect privacy.
· Assist survivors to access services for health, security, legal and psycho-social from service providers.
· Do not blame or judge the survivor.
· Do not discuss incident publicly.
· Do not report the incident without the consent of the supervisor.
· Do not condone silence.
Lifesaving GBV interventions should continue to ensure critical GBV response and services are always available for those who are in need.
Situations of forced displacement have devastating effects on children’s lives, and boys and girls are uniquely vulnerable due to their age and social status. UNHCR, India works with national authorities, other international and local organisations to assist, protect and find solutions for refugee children.
If you have been exposed to any harm, UNHCR and its partners are available to support you. You can call the following numbers:
Childline: 1098
Women’s Helpline New Delhi: 1091
Ambulance Helpline: 102
Police Control Room: 100
Location-wise Partner NGO’s SGBV contacts
Delhi: BOSCO Organization for Social Concern and Operation (BOSCO)- +91 9354938981, 9354938954
Delhi: Socio-Legal Information Centre (SLIC)- +91 9718794687, 9958744688
Jammu: Action Aid- +91 -9103722188, 7006927307; Landline: 0191-4012370
Hyderabad: Modern Architects for Rural India (MARI)- +91 8985191120; Helpline number: 9100319411
Bangalore: Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) – +91 6360854701, 6360854701
Jaipur: Development and Justice Initiative (DAJI)- + 91 6375907837
Mewat: ActionAid Association (AA)- +91 8307580853, 9817406082
Aligarh and Mathura: ActionAid Association (AA)- +91 6387852685
Dera Bassi: ActionAid Association (AA)- +91 9816297780
Pune: Gandhi National Memorial Society (GNMS)- + 91 9862869618, 9420335166; Landline: 02029997644
Education is a means to protect, connect and empower refugees.
UNHCR advocates for access to quality education for refugee children and youth.
There are currently a number of refugee support centres supported by UNHCR NGO partners that offer free supportive classes and help in enrolment in Government regular and open school.
All children aged 6-14 years have a right to education in India.
For more information, please refer to the FAQ section.
UNHCR advocates for improved access to higher education opportunities for young people. Please reach out to UNHCR’s partners for more details.
DAFI (Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative) scholarship programme.
Refugee youth in India can also apply for the DAFI (Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative) scholarship programme. It offers qualified refugee and returnee students the possibility to earn an undergraduate degree in their country of asylum or home country.
Through the dedicated support of the Government of Germany, Denmark, UNHCR and private donors, the programme has supported over 21,500 young refugees to undertake tertiary studies since 1992. To learn more, please see the 2021 DAFI Programme Annual Report.
1. Who can I contact to know the services available to me?
Please visit the UNHCR Help Website to see the full list of UNHCR partners in India and the services they provide.
2. Who is eligible for UNHCR cash assistance?
Only the most vulnerable receive cash assistance and the eligibility criteria for prioritization takes in consideration different elements such as, medical needs, disabilities, elderly persons without effective support, socio-economic conditions and other vulnerabilities.
3. Why am I not eligible for cash assistance?
Due to the limited funding, UNHCR provides cash support only to those refugees and asylum seekers at heightened risk and vulnerabilities. Although we understand you are in need, others who are more vulnerable than you have been considered for cash assistance. However, you may be eligible for other types of assistance from UNHCR Partners.
4. Can I send my children to school?
UNHCR advocates for access to quality education of all children through their inclusion in national education systems.
Every child has a right to an education. Children should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level possible.
Children 6 years and above can be enrolled in government schools situated close to their residence. All children aged 6-14 years have a right to education in India.
If you have problems in getting admission for your child in a government school, you can approach UNHCR partners for assistance, see their contacts here.
During COVID-19, resumption of physical face-to-face classes at schools are under review by the states in gradual phased out manner. Keeping in mind the third wave. Remote education modalities are being encouraged. If you need support for remote education modalities, please contact UNHCR partners.
Free supportive classes including bridge and tuition classes are available through UNHCR NGO partners, please contact them for more details.
If you are unable to enroll/ pursue formal secondary or senior secondary education, you can approach UNHCR NGO partners to be facilitated to enroll in National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). NIOS imparts education through Open and Distance Learning with the help of specially designed Self Learning Materials (SLM). NIOS grants certificates up to pre degree level at par with other National Boards in India- Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) for Secondary Course-Equivalent to class X (ii) and Senior Secondary Course-Equivalent to class XII. You can also visit the NIOS website or call Toll Free No. 1800-1809393 from 09.30am to 5.30pm.
Children and youth are encouraged to join children groups/ youth groups supported by UNHCR partners for recreational/sports/community development activities.
Notice from UNHCR