The initial request can be made in writing or verbally, at immigration control posts at land, air or sea borders. Also at the offices of the Department for the Recognition of Refugee Status (DRER) in Guatemala City. After the initial application, the process must be formalized at DRER offices by filling out a form that explains the situations that forced the person to flee their country.
The IGM will then issue a Provisional Stay Status that must be renewed every 30 days.
Two weeks after the official application, DRER will interview the person who has applied for refugee status so that he or she can explain in detail why he or she left his or her country of origin. All shared information is confidential, which will be investigated and verified.
File analysis
The National Commission for Refugees (CONARE) will hear the case and within 30 days will issue a recommendation, opinion or suggestion to the National Migration Authority (AMN).
The AMN will determine whether to approve or reject the request for refugee status.
Notice of decision
If it is favorable, the temporary refugee residence must be processed. If it is negative, an appeal for reversal can be filed within a period of 10 days. The AMN must report the final decision within 5 days.
If the AMN resolves negatively again, the process can be taken to court to review the decision by judicial means.