UNHCR officials are not allowed to:
- ask for sexual favors in exchange for a service.
- make any sexual contact or gestures with people UNHCR serves (no comments about physical appearance or touching your body in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable).
- hire sex work services.
- have sexual relations with persons under 18 years of age.
- assault, threaten or retaliate against you.
- It’s not your fault!
- You are not alone!
- Reporting will not have any consequences on the services you receive or programs in which you participate.
- Reporting is free and your report is confidential.
Report irregular behavior
If you know of or suspect of any UNHCR or partner staff member committing an act of sexual exploitation or abuse, please report it through our official and confidential channels:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +502 3077-8367
The Office of the Inspector General of UNHCR is also available.
- Email: [email protected]
- Confidential fax: (+41 22) 739 7380
- Use the IGO online complaint form.
If you agree, the organization will initiate an investigation process to take the necessary measures. Sexual exploitation and abuse are considered serious misconduct by humanitarian personnel. At UNHCR, we take all reports made through our official reporting channels very seriously.