Gender-based violence is any act that is exercised against a person because of their gender identity. Women, LGBTIQ+ people and gender minorities are the main victim survivors.
It occurs in many places such as the home, educational establishments, workplaces and others, and the perpetrators are mainly people close to them.
Know the types of violence:
🔴 Physical: Manifested in blows or any action that causes physical harm or suffering. This type of violence can end in attempted femicide
🔴 Psychological: Of the total number of people who have suffered gender-based violence, half indicate that they experienced psychological violence. This can manifest itself in insults, manipulation, humiliation and any act intended to cause emotional harm.
🔴 Sexual: Manifested in sexual harassment or abuse, groping, making pornographic materials, rape and any sexual act that is not voluntary or that is achieved through force or manipulation.
🔴 Economic: any action or omission by the perpetrator that affects the economic survival of the victim. It is manifested through limitations aimed at controlling the victim’s income which allows the perpetrator to maintain control over the person.