I am under 18 years old, and I have just arrived in Ecuador, what should I know?

? If you are a child or teenager and are traveling alone, or with family or friends, ⛔ no one can take you to jail for not traveling with your parents.

? When you reach the border, tell migration staff that you’re not traveling with your parents and that you need them to call a person from the Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (Ministry of Social and Economic Inclusion) – MIES. They can’t deny you that help.

? In Ecuador, the MIES is the authority responsible for the protection of children and adolescents. No matter your nationality, migration status and whether you have your identity documents or not.

? When you talk to the MIES staff, you can choose whether to talk to a woman or a man. You have the right to feel safe.

? At the border there are people who promise to help you cross through trails (irregular crossing points). Don’t believe them! You will be at risk of losing your safety, baggage, money, documents and may become a victim of sexual abuse.

? Don’t go into the houses or shops of people you don’t know; your safety is at stake. They can hurt you.