What can I do if my visa application was declared inadmissible or rejected?

If your request for refuge has been declared inadmissible or your application for refugee status has been rejected, you can file an appeal within 10 business days of receiving the denial notice. The public service will have 30 business days to respond. Extraordinary appeals for review may also be filed according to the grounds specified by Law, and within the deadlines set out therein. If you need further guidance, contact the Defensoría Pública (Public Defender’s Office), or contact the Consejo Noruego (Norwegian Council) in case you need more information on challenging appeals.

To do so:

  • Go to https://www.gob.ec/mremh/tramites/recurso-administrativo-apelacion if you want to file the administrative appeal process or visit https://www.gob.ec/mremh/tramites/recurso-administrativo-extraordinario-revision  if you wish to make an extraordinary revision appeal.
  • A page will open, giving you general information about the process, go to the end and press Ir al trámite en línea (“Go to Online Procedure”).
  • On this page you’ll need to fill in your data, including an email address ?.
  • Once you fill it up, press the continue button. A screen will then appear asking you to enter the confirmation code (código de confirmación).
  • Log into the email you registered and search for an email with the subject Código de confirmación (confirmation code).
  • Open the email, copy the code and paste it into the window that appeared.
  • Press continue ✅ to keep filling out your application and attach your appeal or extraordinary revision appeal.

Remember that you must submit a document that, at least, contains:

  1. Full name, identification number, passport (if any), marital status, age, profession or occupation, domicile, and email address
  2. Detailed facts description
  3. State, describe and provide the evidence you consider necessary.
  4. The rules that substantiate your request
  5. State that the appeal is addressed to the Assistant Secretary (appeal) or the deputy minister (extraordinary revision)
  6. State the number that identifies the inadmissibility declaration or the commission’s resolution
  7. Sign the document

? Check ?your email frequently as there you’ll get information about your procedure.

If you need legal guidance, you can contact the Defensoría Pública (Public Defender’s Office) or the Consejo Noruego para Refugiados (Norwegian Refugee Council.)