Legal claims and access to justice

All victims of sexual and gender-based violence in Ecuador — regardless of their migration status — have the right to file a complaint with the competent authorities, as well as to get free legal support.

To file a complaint, consider this:

1) If you were a victim of sexual violence and no more than 24 hours have passed since the event: you must file the complaint with the nearest FISCALÍA DE FLAGRANCIAS (In Flagrante Delicto Prosecutor’s Office.) Check our directory for their addresses. The Fiscalía (Prosecutor’s Office) must provide you with a document to go to health services and give you emergency oral contraception and treatment to prevent sexually transmitted infections.

2) If you were the victim of an attempted femicide, physical violence or psychological violence: You can report it at the FISCALÍA DE FLAGRANCIAS (In Flagrante Delicto Prosecutor’s Office) if no more than 24 hours have passed since the acts of violence.

3) If the (physical, psychological or sexual) violence you experienced was more than 24 hours ago: Go to the FISCALÍAS ESPECIALIZADAS (Specialized Prosecutor’s Offices) or UNIDADES JUDICIALES DE VIOLENCIA CONTRA LA MUJER Y MIEMBROS DEL NÚCLEO FAMILIAR (Judicial Units for Violence Against Women and Family Members.) Check our directory for their addresses.

4) In addition to filing a complaint, you can ask for protective measures at the JUNTAS DE PROTECCIÓN DE DERECHOS (Boards for the Protection of Rights.) Search our directory to find the nearest board.

For more information on where to find prosecutors and judicial units in your location, see this document (in spanish).

There are no specific requirements for filing a complaint. If possible, bring your ID document. They will ask you for addresses or references to identify the aggressor. You don’t need a lawyer to file a complaint and the procedure is completely FREE.

The Defensoría Pública (Public Defender’s Office) provides legal assistance for victims of sexual and gender-based violence.