In the list below you can find information about organizations that can help you in accordance with your needs. To access contact numbers, click on the name of the organization you are interested in. |
- Access to refugee status: Consejo Noruego para Refugiados (Norwegian Refugee Council), HIAS, UNHCR
- Legal counseling, protection of rights, migration regularization (visas and migratory alternatives; registration and regularization of Venezuelans): AVSI, Aldeas infantiles, Comité Permanente por la Defensa de los DDHH (Standing Committee for the Defence of Human Rights) – CDH , UNHCR.
- Access to health: Before going to a health center call 171 free of charge. If you have been a victim of discrimination in the health system: Defensoría del Pueblo (Ombudsman’s Office), Diálogo Diverso, FEPP, Fundación Alas de Colibrí , Care, Lunita Lunera, UNHCR.
- Access to education: Consejo Noruego para Refugiados (Norwegian Refugee Council), Fudela, HIAS, UNHCR
- Food Vouchers: HIAS, Consejo Noruego para Refugiados (Norwegian Refugee Council), Plan Internacional
- Assistance for LGBTI+ people: HIAS, Diálogo Diverso, Kimirina, Fundación Ecuatoriana Equidad (Pichincha), Lunita Lunera , Asociación ASIRIS Imbabura, Colectivo LGBTIH Somos Divers@s, UNHCR
- Assistance for people living with HIV: Diálogo Diverso, Kimirina, Fundación Ecuatoriana Equidad, Asociación ASIRIS Imbabura, Colectivo LGBTIH Somos Diver@s, Care and the MoVIHlízate organization, UNHCR.
- Psychosocial care: Aldeas infantiles SOS, HIAS, Comité Permanente por la Defensa de los DDHH (Standing Committee for the Defence of Human Rights) – CDH , FEPP, Fundación Alas de Colibrí.
- Temporary housing: UNHCR.
- Children and Adolescents Protection: Aldeas infantiles SOS, Consejo Noruego para Refugiados (Norwegian Refugee Council), ASA, Fudela, HIAS, UNHCR.
- Evictions, utility cuts such as water, electricity, telephone or gas: Defensoría del Pueblo (Ombudsman’s Office), Defensoría Pública (Public Defender’s Office), UNHCR.