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شركاء المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين  في صربيا تعمل المفوضية مع الشركاء الذين يقدمون المساعدة والخدمات على كامل أراضي صربيا:  


جنوب صربا

What is the role of UNHCR in Serbia?

UNHCR in Serbia works with the relevant authorities, international and national partners, the civil society and other organizations, volunteer networks and local communities to ensure that refugees and asylum-seekers are protected. 

  • UNHCR and its partners identify asylum-seekers and other persons of concern to support an expeditious referral to relevant services. 
  • UNHCR advocates for the improvement of policies and services that affect the lives of refugees and asylum-seekers. 
  • UNHCR supports central and local authorities to implement the official asylum procedure and facilitate access to rights. 
  • As necessary, UNHCR supports the Government in addressing the basic needs of refugees and asylum-seekers. 
  • UNHCR builds the capacities of relevant State authorities, civil society, and others to better understand and respond to the needs of asylum-seekers and refugees. 

What can UNHCR do for you?

UNHCR and its partner organizations provide refugees and asylum-seekers in Serbia with the following services: 

  • Legal counselling and assistance in the asylum procedure; 
  • Counselling on access to rights and services for persons with specific needs; 
  • Psychological and psychiatric counselling;  
  • Education;  
  • Counselling related to integration; 
  • Referral of unaccompanied and separated children to childcare services. 

Additionally, UNHCR and its partner organizations may also provide the following: 

  • Interpretation during medical and legal proceedings; 
  • Serbian language classes and vocational trainings in governmental centres; 
  • Assistance in search for work and/or housing; 
  • Information on community events and social, sports and arts clubs available. 

UNHCR can provide information on specific support available to: 

  • Unaccompanied and separated children; 
  • Persons with disabilities or persons suffering from grave illnesses; 
  • The elderly; 
  • Pregnant women or new mothers; 
  • Single parents with minor children; 
  • Survivors of torture, rape, or other serious forms of psychological, physical, or sexual abuse or exploitation, and persons with post-traumatic disorder; 
  • Survivors of trafficking. 

With your approval, UNHCR staff may share this information with authorities or other organizations. 

If you are at risk because of your gender, age, or sexual orientation, UNHCR will advise and refer you to the relevant organization or authority for further support and protection. 

UNHCR will inform you about the possibility of family reunification, either in Serbia or elsewhere. 


Note: All the information you give UNHCR is considered confidential. 

All services provided by UNHCR are FREE OF CHARGE