We want to remind you to be vigilant and cautious of potential scams and fraudulent activities targeting you and your community. Unfortunately, some individuals may take advantage of vulnerable situations to exploit refugees/ asylum seekers by making false promises or requesting money in exchange for services.

How to Protect Yourself:
1. Do Not Share Personal Information: Never share your personal documents, money, or personal details with anyone offering unsolicited assistance, as these may be scams. UNHCR and partners services are free of charge. UNHCR will never ask for money in exchange for services.
Be Cautious of Promises of Quick Results: If someone claims they can expedite your resettlement or any other service in exchange for money or favors, this is a scam.
2. No one can speed up your case in exchange for money.
3. Use Official Channels Only: Any official communication regarding your case will come from UNHCR, IOM, or other trusted implementing or operational partners. Always contact your local UNHCR office to verify any information you may receive from other sources.
4. UNHCR and partner staff conduct interviews at offices with clear UNHCR identification. If someone claims to work for UNHCR or a UNHCR partner, and asks you to meet at their home, hotel, or parking lot, they should not be trusted and you should immediately report it to UNHCR.
5. Be Cautious of Private Numbers or Personal Email Addresses: If you receive a message from a private WhatsApp number or a personal email address (not from an official organization domain), it is a scam and should not be trusted. Always ensure that any communication comes from verified, official contact details. UNHCR email address always end with ‘@unhcr.org’.
6. Emails from common platforms such as gmail.com, hotmail.com, yahoo.com, or outlook.com are not legitimate and should be ignored. Do not respond to or engage with these messages and report it to UNHCR.
7. Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect fraud or receive fraudulent offers, please report it immediately to your local UNHCR office through our official hotline or emails:
8. Country Office Islamabad: [email protected] +92 304 111 1437
9. Sub Office Quetta: [email protected] +92 331 111 0237
10. Sub Office Peshawar: [email protected] +92 300 0550618
11. Letter: complaints/suggestions box are available at UNHCR offices, partner offices and communal places.
We are here to support you, and all UNHCR and partner services are provided free of charge. Stay connected with us for the latest updates, and protect yourself from fraud by staying informed.
UNHCR has zero tolerance for fraud, corruption and misconduct, including sexual exploitation and abuse.

What is fraud?
Fraud is any act with the objective of intentionally misleading another in order to obtain a benefit.
Examples of fraudulent acts include:
- Providing false information about one’s personal circumstances to benefit from assistance or service;
- Use of fraudulent documentation or genuine documents in a false manner;
- Soliciting money for personal gain or paying money to benefit from assistance or service (e.g. registration, resettlement);
- Falsely claiming to represent UNHCR, other entities or partner agencies.
REMEMBER! All UNHCR services are free of charge!
Do not trust anyone or any organization asking you to pay for the services of UNHCR or its partners. If money or any other form of favours, including of a sexual nature, is requested from you, you should report it to UNHCR and/or the nearest police station immediately.
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
UNHCR and all its partners have ZERO TOLERANCE for any sexual exploitation or abuse of refugees by our staff or partners. All assistance provided by UNHCR is free of charge. Aid should never be given in exchange for sexual, financial, social or political gain.
Sexual exploitation and abuse are unacceptable behaviours and prohibited for all United Nations and NGO partners’ staff members. Your report will be treated with discretion and be kept strictly confidential.
What is sexual exploitation?
Any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust for sexual purposes.
Example: A humanitarian worker who promises resettlement to a refugee woman in exchange for a sexual relationship engages in sexual exploitation. This is prohibited.
What is sexual abuse?
Any actual or threatened sexual activity carried out by force or under unequal or coercive conditions.
Example: A humanitarian worker engaging in sexual activity with a child (under 18) is committing sexual abuse. This is prohibited.
Sexual exploitation and abuse can happen to anyone—men, women, boys, and girls—at any age, and in any circumstance.
In line with the United Nations standards of conduct, the staff members of UNHCR and partners must not:
- Have sexual activity with anyone in exchange for money, employment, preferential treatment, goods or services,
- Have sexual activity with anyone under the age of 18 years old,
- Engage in any other form of sexually humiliating, degrading or exploitative behavior.
How can I report sexual exploitation and abuse?
If you are aware of (or if you have concerns or suspicions about) fraud, corruption, sexual abuse or exploitation, or other misconduct, you can confidentially report it to UNHCR Inspector General Office:
- By confidential email: [email protected]
- By using the online complaint form
- By post: Rue de Montbrillant 94, 1201 Genève, Switzerland
In your report, you should include:
- What happened?
- Describe in detail what you know about the incident or incidents.
- Who committed the alleged wrongdoing?
- Do you know if anyone else was involved? Please provide full names, job titles and organisation, if possible.
- When and where did the incident or incidents occur?
- Please include dates and times, if possible.
Your report will be treated with discretion and kept strictly confidential.