Permanent residence permit

According to Ethiopian law, refugees who fulfil the requirements for local integration can request a permanent residence permit.

You can request a residence permit in Ethiopia to RRS if you apply for it through the Digital Request and Complaint System, (DRCS).

What is local integration according to Ethiopian law?

Local Integration is a complex and gradual process in which individual refugees or groups of refugees who have lived in Ethiopia for a protracted period can request permanent residence permits to facilitate their broader integration with Ethiopian nationals.

Who is eligible to get permanent residence permit in Ethiopia?

The general eligibility criteria according to the Refugees Proclamation include:

  • Being a refugee recognized in Ethiopia
  • Consent/request to be locally integrated in Ethiopia
  • Living in Ethiopia for a protracted period of time.
  • Other requirements that may be provided by law

How long is a protracted period?

There is no legal definition of what constitutes a protracted period. However, it is expected that it will be explained by detailed laws that will be adopted by the government to implement the Refugees Proclamation.

What type of document is issued to a refugee who is eligible for local integration in Ethiopia?

According to the Refugees Proclamation, a permanent residence permit may be issued to refugees who fulfil the requirements for local integration. A person who has a permanent residence permit in Ethiopia may be issued a work permit or an investment permit as per Immigration Regulation No.114/2004

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