What is misconduct?
Misconduct refers to actions that violate the Code of Conduct by UNHCR or partner staff, including abuse of position or authority.
What is fraud?
Fraud occurs when someone intentionally deceives another for personal gain.
- Example: A person falsely claiming to work with UNHCR or its partners offers services or documents in exchange for money.
- Refugees providing false information to receive benefits are also committing fraud.
What is corruption?
Corruption happens when a UNHCR or partner staff member requests money, gifts, or favors in exchange for services.
- Example: Someone promises to expedite your case for a bribe.
How do I report misconduct, fraud, or corruption?
You can report using the following methods:
- Protection hotline: 771 070 368
- Email: [email protected]
- Complaint and Feedback Boxes (CFBs) at:
- UNHCR reception
- Partner locations in Basateen, Al Mukalla, and Kharaz camp
- Protection hotline: 712 225 038
- Email: [email protected]
- Complaint and Feedback Boxes (CFBs) at:
- UNHCR reception
- Partner locations
UNHCR Inspector-General’s Office (IGO)
You can report misconduct involving UNHCR or partner staff directly to the IGO:
- Address: Case Postal 2500, CH-1211 Geneva 2 Depot, Switzerland
- Tel.: +41 22 739 8844
- Email: [email protected]
- Online Reporting: IGO Misconduct Reporting
How do I report sexual exploitation and abuse?
Report incidents of sexual exploitation or abuse by UNHCR, UN, or NGO staff through:
- Email: [email protected]
- Online Reporting Form: IGO Complaints
- Mail: UNHCR, 94 rue de Montbrillant, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
In your report, include:
- Details of the incident(s).
- Names, job titles, and organizations of the individuals involved.
- Dates, times, and locations of the incident(s).
What should I know to protect myself and others from sexual exploitation and abuse?
It’s important to remember that:
- Assistance is always free.
- No one has the right to ask for money or favours in exchange for help or services.
- Every person has the right to be safe from harm, abuse, and exploitation, and to be treated with respect and dignity.
- It’s never the victim/survivor’s fault.
- If a service provider harms or upsets you or someone else, you have the right to report it and ask for help.
- You have the right to protection, and to safe and confidential assistance with your informed consent.
- We will listen to you.
Will filing a complaint impact my case with UNHCR?
No, filing a complaint will not affect your case with UNHCR.
If the suspect is from my community, will they find out if I file a complaint?
No, all complaints are treated confidentially. You can also file complaints anonymously.
Does UNHCR charge money for documentation, assistance, or services?
No. All services and assistance provided by UNHCR and its partners are free of charge.
If anyone asks for money or favors in exchange for UNHCR services, report it immediately. UNHCR enforces a Zero Tolerance Policy for fraud, corruption, sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.
For further information or assistance, contact UNHCR hotlines or email the appropriate office in your area.