All services provided by UNHCR and its partners are free of charge. If anyone requests payment for services, report it to UNHCR or its partners immediately.
Keep your ID and registration up to date to avoid service interruptions.
What child-protection services are provided in Sana’a?
Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF) in Sana’a offers:
- Care arrangements for unaccompanied children.
- Facilitation of birth registration.
- Counselling and psychosocial services.
- Legal services.
- Home visits.
- Daycare.
- Recreational activities.
What child-protection services are provided in Aden?
Field Medical Foundation (FMF) and Human Access (HA) offer:
- Care arrangements for unaccompanied children.
- Facilitation of birth registration.
- Counselling and mental health support.
- Legal services.
- Home visits.
- Recreational and informal educational activities.
- School kits and tracking through education partner Al Awn.
- Health services through HA.
For frequently asked questions on services for children in Yemen; you can refer to the answers below for answers on contact information, childcare services, seeking help for your child below.