
In Uganda, refugee and asylum seeker children have access to universal primary education, as well as access to pre-primary education, secondary education, vocational skills, and tertiary institutions.

  • Enrollment Requirements:
    • To enroll in school, you’ll need a refugee ID or asylum seeker certificate. If you have any previous school certificates, bring them for enrollment.
    • Contact the education partner in your settlement for guidance and support.
  • Validating Previous Certificates:
    • The Ugandan school system will evaluate previous certificates to see if they match the Ugandan education system.
    • The education partner in your area can assist with this process.
  • Accessing Support:
    • Reach out to the education partner in your settlement for detailed information and available support services in your area.

What do I need to access school in Uganda?

To enrol in school, you’ll need:

  • a refugee ID or asylum seeker certificate.
  • If you have any previous school certificates, bring them for enrollment.

And contact the education partner in your settlement for guidance and support. (See below)

Validating Previous Certificates:

  • The Ugandan school system will evaluate previous certificates to see if they match the Ugandan education system.
  • The education partner in your area can assist with this process.

If you need help with education, reach out to the education partner in your settlement for detailed information and available support services in your area:

Bidibidi, Palorinya, Kyaka II, RwamwanjaFCAHere
Adjumani, Palabek, Rhino Camp, Imvepi, Palorinya, Palorinya, Nakivale, Oruchinga, KyangwaliWIUHere
LobokoKoboko District Local Government

To submit a complaint or feedback to UNHCR, you can call the toll-free FRRM Helpline 0800 32 32 32

See also: Legal AssistanceChild Protection | Gender-based violenceSpecific NeedsHealthWork and Skills | Birth Registration | Support in Kampala | Support in Settlements