Child Protection Services

Almost half of the world’s forcibly displaced people are children, and many spend their entire childhood far from home.

What is child protection?

Children have the right to be protected from any forms of violence, abuse, or neglect as outlined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Children might be resilient and find ways to cope and draw strength from their families and communities. Resilience in children is fostered through learning, play, exploration, and community involvement, contributing to their protection.

UNHCR also promotes children’s participation in the design and delivery of protection and assistance measures.

What do UNHCR and partners do to protect children?

UNHCR and our partners are committed to safeguarding children and adolescents, ensuring their rights and well-being are prioritized through:

  • Partnership Approach: Collaborates with children, communities, national authorities, and organizations like UNICEF and NGOs for child protection.
  • Specific Support for Children:
    • Individual support for at-risk children or those separated from families.
    • Access to family tracing, reunification services, and alternative care for unaccompanied or separated children.
  • Engagement and Education: Involves children in activities and education to develop their skills and capacities.

What are our Child Protection Services and Programs?

  • Individual Assessments and Care Plans:
    • Conducting assessments to develop a joint care plan with the child and trusted caregivers.
  • Referral Services: Connecting children with various services like psychosocial support, medical care, legal assistance, and developmental programs.
  • Preventative Community Programs:
    • Awareness, sensitization, and behavior change initiatives facilitated by trained community members.

Who can I contact if I have concerns or questions about protecting children?

Children and adolescents at risk can access protection services through UNHCR and partners in settlements and urban areas:

Bididbidi SettlementUNHCR, IRC – World Vision (WVI)UNHCR, IRC, WVI
Rhino Camp, Imvepi and Lobule, Kiryandongo SettlementsUNHCR, Danish Refugee Council (DRC)UNHCR, DRC
Adjumani, Palabek and Palorinya SettlementsUNHCR, Lutheran World Foundation (LWF)UNHCR, LWF,
Kyangwali, Kyaka, Rwamwanja, Nakivale, and Oruchinga SettlementsUNHCR, ALIGHTUNHCR, ALIGHT
KampalaRefugee Law Project (RLP)RLP

To submit a complaint or feedback to UNHCR, you can call the toll-free FRRM Helpline 0800 32 32 32

See also: Legal Assistance Gender-based violenceSpecific Needs | Health | Education | Work and Skills | Birth Registration | Support in Kampala | Support in Settlements