Rights & Responsibilities

According to the Refugee Act of Uganda, Refugees and Asylum seekers have Rights and Obligations:

What are your Rights as Refugees and Asylum-seekers in Uganda?

  • Issued with a refugee Identification Document, and asylum seekers certificate.
  • Remain in Uganda and not be returned to your country of origin.
  • Treated fairly and without discrimination.
  • Move freely in Uganda.
  • Access education services.
  • Access health services.
  • Access employment opportunities.
  • Access financial services i.e., the right to open bank accounts and mobile money accounts.
  • Issued with a travel documents (CTD) if you are a registered refugee unless there are reasons of national security which would prevent it.

What are your Duties and Obligations as Refugees and Asylum-seekers in Uganda?

  • Be registered with OPM and undergo security screening.
  • Report changes in family composition i.e. divorce, marriage, new births, deaths, and specific needs.
  • ABIDE by all Uganda’s laws, regulations, and measures taken to maintain public order.
  • NOT to engage in activities that may endanger state security, harm public interest, or disrupt public order.
  • NOT to engage in political activities, whether at local or national level.
  • NOT to participate in any political activities within Uganda against any country, including your country of origin.
  • PAY taxes following the applicable laws of Uganda if engaged in gainful employment.

See also: