Voluntary return

Many refugees would prefer to return to their homeland as soon as they no longer fear persecution. In principle, voluntary return from Tunisia is possible at any time.

Voluntary return should always happen in safety and dignity and be based on an informed decision.

If you consider returning to your home country, please contact UNHCR via email at [email protected]. Our counselors will get back to you as soon as possible to set an interview.

UNHCR Tunisia, together with The International Organization for Migration (IOM), could assist you with the following:

  • Pre-departure: Making sure that your return takes place in conditions of safety, dignity and security and help you plan your return journey;
  • Transport costs: You can apply for assistance if you do not have the financial resources to leave. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) administers an Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Program (AVRR) under which travel could be facilitated. There is, however, no guarantee of being included in the program;
  • A travel allowance and grants in some situations. For certain countries, there are special return programs designed to help returnees find a social and economic footing in their home country once they return. UNHCR can advise you on such programs. Further information can also be found on the website of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

You can also visit our Frequently asked questions for quick information about UNHCR in Tunisiaaccommodationfinancial assistanceeducation and other helpful services. 

See also

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